Living in a digital world.


Fichas sobre Living in a digital world., creado por joecoggings el 03/11/2013.
Fichas por joecoggings, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por joecoggings hace más de 11 años

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Mobile Phones Developed for people to make calls and text people on the move. Phones now have GPS, cameras, entertainment, data storage, apps.
Mobile phones 2. There is dual band, tri band and quad band. These let you call and use your phone in different parts of the world. You should secure your phone by: hiding the phone and taking it with you, set a pin, password or pattern, lock the sim card and also restrict the bluetooth usage.
Personal computers- Desktop. Desktop: needs peripherals like a mouse. Has a hard drive and optical drives (CD, DVD). connectivity, easy to upgrade.
Personal computers- laptops. Battery powered and can be plugged in. Built in camera, keyboard, mouse and speakers. Has hard drives, optical drives and slots for SD cards. bluetooth and Wifi built in. Good conectivity. Hard to dismantle and upgrade.
Personal computers- Netbooks. More compact than laptop. built in monitor and keyboard. Built in Wifi. No hard drive or optical drives. Solid state SD drives. Designed for the cloud and internet.
Personal computers- tablets. Very light and portable. Battery powered. Touch screen. On screen keyboard. Bluetooth, Wifi and 3G. Cameras. Designed for entertainment and social media. Can download apps.
Personal computers 2. Quick processor= fast. Sound and graphics card means being able to see and hear. Wifi= part of a network. RAM means the computer can run more applications. Memory- you can store more files. No. of usb ports- more peripherals. big battery life- longer running time.
Cameras and camcorders Optical zooom, take photos, record videos and sound. Download files to a computer. Store files with SD or micro cards. edit photos using software (photoshop). View file son tv through HDMI or usb.
Cameras and camcorders 2. GPS- can record place where photo or video was taken. Wifi- Users can now email or upload images to PC's, printers or social media. Camcorders have better video capabilites than cameras and shoot in high defination (HD) and can sometimes send to social media.
Media players. Small, light, easy to carry. logn battery life. Lots of media (games, music, video). Can have set playlists. Easy to use. Compresses music to managable size. Security: antivirus software, can back up to computer, locks automatically if not used for an amount of time.
Media players 2. DRM (digital rights management)- will not let have fake or illegal copies it. May also not let you copy onto other devices because of copyrights issues. Connects through Wifi, bluetooth, infrared. HDMI lets users to connect to TV. USB lets users transfer files of up to 5mb.
Games consoles. High resolution for HD games. Ethernet cable, Wifi, bluetooth and usb. Multiplayer online gaming. CD, DVD and blu ray drives. Motion sensors on Wii, PS3. Xbox kinect gives users hands free experience. Smart TV and apple TV lets users connect game consoles, tablets and smartphones to TV.
Games consoles 2. Signs of overuse- spend all your "free time" gaming, you are lying about how much time you spend on it, you would rather play games than spend time with friends and family. Behavior effects- violent video games can lead to aggression, violents games for 10 hours a week results in less thinking and emotional control.
Home entertainment systems. digital TV- more channels, high quality, access to radio, subtitles, audio and sign language descriptions, recording and voting on programmes and shopping (JBL cooking). Projectors can show a bigger HD picture on a screen or wall. Home cinema include many speakers and DVD and blu ray player. Intergration- Wifi networks means that you can sync you whole msuic collection to music server and control through a panel (Sonos).
Satellite navigation (sat navs). Uses GPS to plan and give directions. Used by pedestrians, drivers, geocachers. Drivers- can also check their speed, and warn them about speed cameras. Live traffic reports. Can adjust for a scenic route or for convience (cash machine or petrol station). Pedestrians- Used to find way in countryside or cities. Small, waterproof, shockproof. Gives geographical destination and includes a compass. Geocahers- Outdoor, high tech tresure hunt. Uses try to locate hidden containers called geocaches, using GPS enabled devices and then share their experience online.
Satellite navigation 2. Convergance- where digital devices have functions of GPS or sat navs. Smartphones have route planning apps, a GPS receivers along with free maps. Dedicated Sat nav sales are falling so manufactures are producing apps for smartphones (TomTom). Dedicated Sat nav manufactures are repsonding with larger and 3D screens, images of actual junctions, bluetooth to link with phone calls, eco route planning to save petrol or diesal. Some Sat navs have accessability info like disabled parking, extra info for disabled people like toiletes and access to trains and shops. Can speak to blind people at the press of a button.
Impact on organisations. Used for storing data, design tasks, production tasks, planning, advertising, communication. Often issue employees with portable digital devices (laptops, computers). Stores files through Wifi and 3G to the "cloud". Organsiations often use websites, a blog, social media (twitter and facebook). Education- Interactive whiteboards, online registration, apps for smartphones, VLE, ebooks.
Home networks. Used to share an internet connection. Needs a network interface card (NIC). Requires a router which connects all of the computers giving them an IP address so that it knows where to send the data.
Network security. Wireless= less secure than cable because anyone in range can access it. You can see other peoples networks and can use websites to bring up open hotspots. Secure wireless networks by changing the password or setting up a form of encryption.
Combining technologies. Phones- GSM, 4G, Wifi, bluetooth, mini USB port. Laptop- Wifi, USB and firewire port, bluetooth, ethernet port. A device that can perform many different functions is a multifunctional service. E.g. Phone can take a picture, transfer it by memory stick and then send it by ethernet through the laptop.
Bandwidth and latency Connection involves bits. The performance is how well it can send the bits. Bandwidth is the number of bits that can go through the network per second (bps). Latency is the time in milliseconds that one bit travels from one device to the next (ms).
Wifi and mobile broadband. Wifi- good range as can work from 60m, speeds of up to 54 mbps, quite widely availible however hackers set up fake hotspots to get users details. Mobile broadband- far greater coverage than Wifi, more secure than Wifi however downloads are limited and you have to pay the broadband and data roaming.
Peer to peer networks. When digital devices communicate. In the past they communicated through a transmitter and mast. In the present and future they can connect automatically through bluetooth and Wifi direct. Wifi direct can do 250 mbps but bluetooth only 25 mbps. Wifi directs range is 200m but bluetooth only 60m.
The internet Uses same protocol- IP/ TCP. World wide web- WWW. PC or laptop needs an network interface card to connect.
Legislation Data protection act- companies have to keep data secure, accurate, up to date and they are not allowed to ask for more data than they need and keep it for as long as they want.
Copyright Protects work or documents without users permission. It is free to download and can sell it to certain organisations or services (educational).
Online shopping Virtual shopping basket--> check out--> payment is made and confirmed--> goods are dispatched and delivered. 24/7 availibility, cheaper, custormer reviews, bookable delivery, images of products.
Online booking for travel etc... Booking system displays events, custormer can select holiday, seat, flight, payment is made, confirmation is sent through email and they can print the ticket.
Online shopping 2. Bigger choice as not just availibilty to one store, 24/7, find best price on different websites, do not have to leave the house. Need internet and pc skills, cannot pay through cash, cannot see, touch or try them on, usaully have to pay for delivery, you normally have to submit personal infomation.
Online auctions Similar to traditional auctions but online instead of warehouse. Seller and bidder creates accounts--> Selle rposts item--> buyer places bid and wins item at a certain time--> seller gets payment and posts item. Features- search bar, status of their bid, changes can be made before the scheduled time. Benefits- the ability to search, community of users to build trust and ratings, secure payments through third party, large number of sellers which puts prices down.
Online education Student has account and selects his or her courses. Teaching material is provided on website. Assiments submitted, marked and returned to students. Students can work from home, is interactive, personilised learning.
Online news Reports are written are are availible online for free or through subscription. Users access reports through websites or RSS feeds. Easy to search for news items, up to date news, go to different sources, news presented in text, images or video, users can add comments or subscribe to content.
Online banking User creates a secure online bank account, money can be transferred electronically, payments can be made into other accounts. Up to date account details, view all transactions, pay bills online, create new bank accounts, secure access provided, offers promotions to online custormers.
Online gaming Allows players to connect and interact with each other online or stream and download entertainment to use whenever. A central server streams players positions and actions to all players over the internet. Players need a good WiFi connection to avoid lag. Players create account and select game which enables them to interact with each other and computer players.
Why organisations are online? More profitable since no rent so they can sell products cheaper than high street store. Pro's- No rent, can distribute all over world, can work from home. Con's- Skilled staff to create efficient website, needs a delivery service, custormers need WiFi.
Transactional data This is the infomation collected about the sale or purchase. The infomation is stored in databases. Allows organisation to keep record of yur purchases, allows delivery to be tracked, contains source of infomation about custormers shopping habits and preferences. It is used to create a more personilised experience, for advertisment agencies to produce personilised adverts, to track delivery of goods.
Internet advertising Used so organisations can get stats, cheaper than traditional TV adverts, can reach a wide range of custormers, reachers custormers faster than TV adverts. Social network sites know what users search so target them through personilised adverts, Organisations pay Facebook to display certain adverts on users pages, Facebook with more than 800 million users can select by location, age and interests.
Internet advertisng 2 Viral marketing- when users want to pass on infomation by email, social networking and texting. Goes viral is when something spreads quickly. Cheap because organisations do not have to pay for adverts. Memorable content means people remember brand through the content (horse dancing in field- Three network). Targeted marketing is where organisations target groups who are most likely to buy product.
Internet advertising 3 Personilised adverts- emails for a special occasion reminder e.g. christmas. They usually use products you have viewed, place on favorites, wishlist or what other people have bought.
Payment systems Credit/debit cards, online bank transfer, third party payment, online coupons/vouchers. Credit cards- can borrow or take out of account, Debit- cannot borrow. When online you give- full name on card, security code, expiry, card number. Secure website- URL changing from HTTP--> HTTPS, a padlock, norton secured, change of colour in search bar.
Payment systems 2 Online banks keep custormers safe fromonline fraud by- checking bank accounts, providing secure encryption, login protection schemes (HSBC widget). Third party- company in the middle to check payment of buyer and seller. Buyers bank--> third party payment e.g. PayPal--> sellers bank. NFC- near field communication, contactless payment to let custormers pay without card or cash. Pro's- good security, no need to enter details repeatably. Con's- can only pay for small amounts and if the card is lost anyone can use the credit.
Consumer protection laws that protect people buying things. If the item is faulty is must be refuned or replaced and when you buy something it must be fit for purpose, satifactory quality and as described. cooling off period- seven days after recieving purchase can be returned for ANY REASON. Applies to anything except- personilised goods, CD's/DVD's with broken seal, perishable goods (food), reading material, gaming, betting and lotteries.
Applications software Used to carry out a particular process (gaming or word processor). Locally installed software- user puts disk in computer. Pro's- works without being online, you hold license. Con's- take up a large amoutn of data, all data is stored locally so must be backed up. Hosted software- User logs in on internet and then runs over internet. Pro's- Software does not take up any space, Allows users from different parts of the world to work on the same doccument. Con's- Cannot work without internet connection, response time depends on network.
Commercial response to SaaS. software as a service (SaaS)- web applications- gaming/ word processor. Microsoft sell applications like Word or Excel. However now some are free (GoogleDocs). Most people do not like to pay for Microsoft as GoogleDocs and other applications do the same things for free. Microsoft have responded with- software for free with computers, new functions on their products, free technical support, Used copyright to protect from "free" websites, Offered free versions.
Storage: local or online Local- on the digital device you are using, Online- on a different server e.g. the cloud. Local- data can be accesed quickly and do not need WiFi however you have to back up your data and difficult to share with others. Online- Data is availible anywhere, some services are free however you need WiFi and the online data storage may not be reliable.
Search engines Searches with the KEY WORDS put into search box, The search engine then searches its INDEXES for content displaying the keywords. Search techniques- add more key words, go to certain page for what you want (images, maps), use the advanced search facilites in search engine, search by date/ language, use more than one search engine for better results. Validility- the webstie may have spyware on containing biased or innapropiate results.
Online communities People who meet up online. e.g. Social networks, bloggs, VLE. These are made of- the function, the features and the target audiences. Social presence- how someone is represented- username and password.
Online workspaces and VLE Workspaces- made for people who work together. VLE- people who learn together. Online workspaces- email, VoIP, shared folders, online applications (word, excel). VLE- Used to let students learn interactively and get additional notes or homework out of school, also allows teachers to work with their students to create high quality materials. Features- timetable, marking tools, email, personilisation, interactive polls.
Social networks online community where people are linked with their personal info. Functions- allows users to have online presence, links users with others, allows users to stay in touch, allows users to exchange info and photos. Target audience- adults- Linkedin, Teens- Bebo. Pro's- easy to use, games, credits, free, easy way to share info. Con's- people waste time, bullying, loss of privacy, fake profiles.
User generated reference sites Allows users to share infomation (Wikipedia). Functions- Wiki, using wiki software and letting others contribute (wikipedia), internet forums, review sites- post reviews on products or places (tripadvisor). Features- ability for users to add or edit info, changes can be tracked, hyperlinks. Pro's- wikis can be changed easily, people from different parts fo the world can edit it, don't cost much. Con's- info can be inaccurate as anyone can edit it, needs Wifi, there may be errors or duplication.
Social bookmarking sites. similar to wiki's but you add links instead of content. e.g. pinterest, you add pinboards. Digg- you share news and rate how important it is, delicious- users create stacks on a subject. Features- users store URL's online, users can share bookmarks, users can like of dislike content.
Creation of knowledge Knowledge- info gained through experience or education. Info on the internet- constantly being updated, users can decide what infomation is important, people can communicate world wide.
Impact on working practices Pro's- often do not need to live close to work, cloud computing, decisions can be made through one document, employers can research social networks to find potential employees. Con's- People may avoid face to face contact, some employees may feel pressured, workers without internet may be left out of decisions. Collaborative working- people working in a group to achieve goals- email, chat, social networks. Teleworking- working at home but staying in touch with technology.
A global scale Globalisation- increasing global relationships through culture, people and economic activity. ICT has speeded it up. Purchases can now be made 24/7 anywhere. Companies with ICT have gone global. Security- prevent dangerous plans (terrosim...) Protection- protect people e.g. kids from innapropiate content. How ICT is used globally- VLE, bloggs, social networks, cloud.
Security issues Bluejacking- sending unwanted bluetooth messages. Viruses- harmful to digital devices. Cookies- others gaining infomation from your account. Unsecured networks- your Wifi not having a password so others can use it. Phishing- a fake email supposibly a valid organsiation asking for details. Hackers- getting info without permission. Physical threats- theft, flooding, fire and accidental damage.
Privacy issues The data protection act. Social networks- keep track of all interactions and save them. search engines- keep track on all searches, locations, times. People adding tags to photos is consided invasion of privacy. Cookies- keep track of your internet history to produce personilised adverts but may be seen as an invasion. Identity theft- people stealing your identity. spyware- others spying on you.
Monotoring people using ICT. Passports- there are scanned to keep a track of our movements. Online games- who you are and where you are. Social networks- geotagging in photos to see what you are doing. Emails- companies sending them out know who you are sending them to. Credit/debit cards- how much and where you are spending. IP address- your geographical location. Mobile phone companies- where you are and who you send texts to.
Health and safety Positive- friendships, easier to maintain contact, easier to access info, exercises at home (Wii), GPS to find our location and find routes. Negative- obeasity due to no exercise, people can always access work (no work-life balance), overuse of social networks, eye strains when looking at a screen, accidents when people using phone when driving.
Impact of networks Work- Teleworkig (work from home), work easily with people from around the world, location of office less important, research for projects online. Communication- socialising with people from around the world 24/7, over use of social networking sites, rapid spread of news. Creativity- crowd sourcing (people collecting news and contributing it), people become content generators for websites (Youtube, Wikipedia). Shopping- rapid access, round the clock availibility, no need to leave the house, research purposes easily. Digital divide- people with no digital devices unable to access so info, goods and services.
Legislation regarding the use of ICT Data protection act- all our personal data is: processed fairly and lawfully, obtained for specified purposes, adequate, relative and not for excessive, accurate, not kept longer than neccesary. Computer misuse act: illegal access to files. Imprisionment for: software piracy, plating viruses, hacking, fraud. Copyright, designs and protection act: its illegal to- copy of distribute media without owners permission, use purchased media on more computers you have licences for. Digital economy act: people illegally downloading media. ISP's can collect data about offenders and if they continue offending can have their internet slower or suspended.
Unequal access to ICT In the UK: Affordability- low incomes may mean they can't afford it. Disability or illness- difficult for access to ICT. People living in remote areas- no internet access or coverage. Lack of skills. Worldwide: Affordability- low incomes so they can't afford it. Censorship- some countries limiting use and access to digital access. Limited access to electricity- not very reliable electricity= less access.
Safe and responsibe access Computer equipment emits heat- open windows. Harmful bacteria can live on surfaces- clean surfaces. Incorrect use and positioning of equipment- take breaks and use ergonomical equipment. Eye strain- screen breaks and room well lit. Electric shocks through spilt drinks- keep food and drink away.
Sustainability issues E-waste: Old computer waste goes to landfull (e-waste). Hic's now sending waste to Lic's. Pollution: Toxic substances infultrate water supplies. Global warming through lots of electricity. Finite resources: The elements used to build computers will run out. The electricity will run out due to the coal and oil.
How to increase sustainablity Recycle: re-use or recycle old digital devices. Donate unwanted goods to charity shops. Companies will buy them off you. Reduce your impact: Use digital devices for as long as you can. Switch devices off when you are not using them. Put devices in sleep mode. Renewable energy: Companies are lcoating to places with cool climates and cheap sustainable electricity (Iceland with geo-thermal). Technology companies are starting to offer solar powered devices.
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