Roots of America Flashcards by Dawson Brisson


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Dawson Brisson
Fichas por Dawson Brisson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Dawson Brisson
Creado por Dawson Brisson hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Parliment The British Legislature
Legislature A group if people that makes laws
Precedent A ruling that is basis for a judicial decision in a later similar case
Common Law A system of law based on precedent and customs
Compact An Agreement, contract, among a group of people
town meeting a gathering of local citizens in town
Mercantilism The theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries
boycott the refusal to purchase certain goods
Congress A formal meeting at which reprisentatatives discuss matters of common concern
independence self-reliance and freedom from outside of control
confederation self-reliance and freedom from outside control
Magna Carta Signed in 1215 by KIng John limited power of monarchs
Glorious Revolution Peaceful transfer of power in history of england
english bill of rights free election in england
natural rights eights you are born with
Baron de montesquieu Seperation pf powers
enlightenment movement that spread the idea of science and reason
Mayflower Compact Document signed by the passengers of the mayflower
House of burgesses Bicameral legislature in jamestown
proprietary Colony Colony Owned by and ruled directly by the king
royal colony colonies owned by the king
indentured servant person who works for 7 years then is set free
triangular trade trade between europe, africa and, americas
middle passage journey across the atlantic ocean
salutary neglect did not strictly enforce the laws
french indian war war between england and france that was in america
no taxtaion without representation slogan that summed up the colonist anger to the king
boston massacre british soldier opened fire and killed 5 american colonist in boston
stamp act a tax that was put on printed materials
boston tea party colonist dressed up as indians and threw british tea in the harbor
intolerable acts laws used to punish the colonist
quartering act act the made colonist house british sodiers
common sense pamphlet that was written by thomas paind and was renown amongst the colonist
battle of lexington and concord was were the american revolution started
declaration of independence document that declared americas independence
thomas jefferson wrote the decleration of independence
john locke philosopher of natural rights that inspired thomas jerfferson
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