Ch.2 Ancient Mesopotamia


Chapter 2 Egyptian flashcards
Fichas por AbdielTapia, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por AbdielTapia hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Mesopotamia Land between the two rivers, Euphrates and Tigris
polytheistic Belief of many Gods
Zigurrat A massive stepped tower
Theocracy A government by divine authority
Cuneiform A system of writing
Hammurabi's law code First written laws given to people of ancient babylon by king Hammurabi
Patriarchal Society dominated by men
Nile river Begins in heart of Africa and courses northward for more than 4,000 miles
Fertile cresent The region in the middle east which curves like a quarter moon shape
Inundation The annual flooding of the Nile river
Silt Rich black mud left by the flooding of the Nile river
King Menes King who united lower and upper egypt
Dynasty Means great house of a family of a family of rulers
Pharaoh Name for Egyptian king
Ka The life force
Ba Part of the soul that embarked on to follow the gods
Mummification Preserved human body
Canopic jars Containers used to hold organs during mummification
Sarcophagus Formed the outer layer of protection for a royal mummy
King Khufu Pharaoh who built the great pyramid of Giza to hold his grave
The Great Pyramid Largest of the three pyramids of Giza
King Khufu's boat Discovered in 1952 buried under the great pyramid it would be needed to carry king Khufu's spirit across the sky to be with Ra
Great Sphinx One of the oldest and largest statue in the world
Hieroglyphs Egyptian picture writing
The rosetta stone A stone with writing in two languages
Hyskos Invaded Egypt and ruled for 200 years introduced the horse drawn charriot
Hatshepsut First great woman ruler in history she ruled Egypt as king not queen sculptures and mask show her with a false beard
Akhenaten Rejected the traditional religion in favor of worshiping the Aten, or the sun disk after whom he renamed himself. He closed all the temples to the old gods and obliterated their names from Monuments
King Tut 17 year old boy pharaoh whose tomb survived untouched by grave robbers more than 3000 artifacts are discovered in this tomb
Ramses 2 Ramses the great reigned 67 years fathered over 100 children the defeated the Hittites
Papyrus Reed like plant that grows on the Nile river ancient Egyptians used to right on
Cultural Diffusion The spreading of ideas from one culture to another
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