Definitions of UD2 ? Be water my friend?


On these flashcards we are going to learn better the deffinitions of the Atmosphere, the Hydrosphere, Weather and temperature, Panet water....
Lidia Infantes
Fichas por Lidia Infantes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lidia Infantes
Creado por Lidia Infantes hace alrededor de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Atmosphere Envelope of particles and gasses that surrounds the Earth
Origin of Atmosphere It is biological; the oxygen was released by photosynthetic bacteria
Composition of atmosphere Air: 78% Nitrogen 21% Oxygen 1% Other gases
Layers of Atmosphere Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Termosphere Exosphere
Functions of Atmosphere Protection against solar radiation Regulation of temperatures Source of nutrients: Oxigen for repiration Co2 for photosintesis
Hydrosphere Envelope of water any where and in any state of Earth
Composition of Hydrosphere 97% Saline water(seas and oceans) 3% Fresh water(Ice, ground water...)
Origin of Hydrosphere Terrestrial: water vapour released by volcanoes. Extraterrestrial: Ice in meteorites (comets and ateroids)
Properties of water 1. Great solvent. 2. Hard to heat and cool. 3. Ice less dense than water. 4. chages It's state.
Roles of water in living things 1. Medium for chemical reactions. 2. Transport of substances. 3. Thermoregulator. 4. Aquatic enviroments.
Water use in human activities Domestic uses: for drinking, Agricultural uses: to irrigate crops Industrial uses: cleaning machinery,
Water cycle processes Condensation: Water vapor transforms into small liquid droplets in clouds. Precipitation: Tiny cloud droplets fall out from sky (rain, hail, sleet or snow) Flow: Water circulation on surface or underground. Infiltration: Water infiltrates on soil pores. Evaporation: Liquid water becomes water vapor on air. Transpiration: Living things release water vapor to the atmosphere.
Roles of water organisms Medium for chemical reactions. Transport of substances. Regulation of temperatures. Medium for living organisms.
Troposphere It is the thinnest and densest layer close to the geosphere. It contains about 80% of the atmosphere’s mass. Here, meteorological phenomena occur.
Stratosphere It contains the ozone layer, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation.
Mesosphere Here meteorites burn up, which protect us from their impact.
Exosphere comets and satellites appear in this layer.
Greenhouse effect phenomenon which maintains a constant temperature on Earth due to some atmospheric gases. These gases absorb part of the energy released by the surface as a result of the warming by solar energy.
Lake A large body of water surrounded by land.
River A body of flowing water moveing towards the sea.
Weather station Facility for measuring and recording different meteorological variables.
Instruments for mearureing meteorological variables Thermometer Barometer Hygrometer Anemometer Wind vane Rain gauge
Saveing water Reduce water use Recycle water Prevent contamination
Water cycle The movement of water on the Earth ́s surface and through the atmosphere is caused mainly by solar energy and gravity.
Condensation Water vapor transforms into small liquid droplets in clouds.
Precipitation Tiny cloud droplets fall out from sky (rain, hail, sleet or snow)
Flow Water circulation on surface or underground.
Infiltration Water infiltrates on soil pores.
Evaporation Liquid water becomes water vapor on air.
Transpiration Living things release water vapor to the atmosphere.
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