Geology Earth Science


Science Fichas sobre Geology Earth Science, creado por Madeleine el 14/11/2013.
Fichas por Madeleine, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Madeleine hace casi 11 años

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What is the outer most layer of the earth? Describe it. The Crust - relatively thin and rocky. Solid.
What is the second outer most layer of the earth? Describe it. The mantle - Properties of a solid but can flow very slowly.
What is the Lithosphere made up of? The lithosphere consists of the crust and outer part of the mantle. It is the relatively cold part of the earth's structure.
What is the inner core made from and where is it in the earth's structure? Made from solid nickel and iron. It is the inner most layer of the earth's structure.
Where does the outer core sit in the earth's structure and what is it made from? The outer core is the second inner most layer of the earth's crust. It is made from liquid nickel and iron.
What is the earth's lithosphere broken into? Describe them. Tectonic plates - are less dense than the mantle so are found on top of it. The plates move constantly (a few centimeters each year).
What causes the tectonic plates to move? Convection currents in the mantle.
What two types of tectonic plates are there? Oceanic plates - occur under the oceans. Continental plates - form the continents (land).
Where do earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur? Where tectonic plates meet (plate boundaries) - The earth's crust becomes unstable as the plates push against each other, or ride under or over one another.
What is Magma? Magma is molten rock - it is less dense than the crust. It can rise to the surface through weaknesses in the crust forming a volcano.
What are the two main shapes that a volcano can be? Shield and Composite volcanoes.
What are the three words that describe a volcano based on it's activity? Active - erupts frequently. Dormant - temporarily inactive but not fully extinct. Extinct - Never likely to erupt again.
What are the characteristics of a Shield volcano? - Usually found at constructive or tensional boundaries. - Low with gently sloping sides. - Formed by eruptions of thin, runny lava. - Eruptions frequent but relatively gentle.
What are the Characteristics of a Composite volcano? - Made up of alternating layers of lava and ash (Others just consist of Lava). - Usually found at destructive or compressional boundaries. - The eruptions from these volcanoes may be a pyroclastic flow rather than a lava flow.
What is a pyroclastic flow? A pyroclastic flow is a mixture hot steam, ash, rock and dust. It can roll down the sides of a volcano at at very high speeds and with temperatures at over 400 degrees Celsius.
How much km3 of material does a super volcano erupt? At least 1,000 km3 (a large volcano erupts around 1 km3).
What type of volcano forms a depression, called a caldera (a volcano forms a cone shape)? A super volcano.
How often do super volcanoes tend to erupt? Less frequently than other volcanoes - eruptions are hundreds of thousands of years apart.
Rocks are made of ______ that fit together. Grains
What are the two type of grains? Interlocking and rounded.
What is an example of a rock with interlocking grains? Granite
What is an example of a rock with rounded grains? Sandstone
Rocks with rounded grains are more likely to ______ ______. Absorb water
Rocks that absorb water are called ______. Porous
What are the three main types of rock? Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic
What type of grained rock is softer, more crumbly? Rocks with rounded grains
What are the five important stages in the formation of sedimentary rock? Transportation - River carries broken pieces of rock. Deposited - the bits of rock settle at the bottom. Sedimentation - the rock builds up in layers (called Sediments). Compaction - weight of more sediments on top squashes sediments at the bottom. Cementation - the water is squeezed out from between the layers rock and crystals and other salts form. The Crystals then form sort of glue.
How long does it take sedimentary rock to form? Millions of years
What is igneous rock made out of? Molten (liquid) rock called magma cools and solidifies forming igneous rock.
Igneous rocks contain randomly arranged interlocking crystals. The size of the crystals depends on how quickly the molten magma solidified. The ______ the magma cools the bigger the crystals. Slower
If the magma cools slowly, large crystals form in the rock. This can happen if the magma cools deep underground. Rock that have formed like this are called intrusive igneous rocks. What are 2 examples of this type of rock? Granite and gabbro
Can sedimentary rocks contain fossils? Yes - dead animals and other things get trapped between the layers of rock before they are compressed
Can igneous rocks contain fossils? No - This is because any fossils in the original rock will have melted when the magma formed.
How are metamorphic rocks formed? As the earth moves, rocks are heated and put under great pressure. They do not melt but the minerals that they contain are changed chemically, forming metamorphic rocks.
Can metamorphic rocks contain fossils? Yes - if they were formed from a sedimentary rock, but usually the fossils are squished out of shape.
What are the three types of weathering? Physical, Chemical and Biological weathering
Give as many examples as you can of physical weathering. Temperature, Freezing, Thawing, wind, rain and waves.
How can a plant cause biological weathering? The plant's roots can grow in cracks, making them bigger and forcing them open. The rock may eventually fall away.
How can an animal cause biological weathering? They can move rocks and other things around, wearing them down as they grind against each other. Animals such as a rabbit can burrow into a crack causing it to become bigger.The rock may eventually fall away.
Rain is naturally slightly acidic. What effect could this have on rocks? It may cause a reaction with the minerals in the rock. For limestone or chalk, when this happens new soluble substances are formed which are then washed away.
Acid rain is a type of rain that is caused by burning fossil fuels (which produce carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide). This causes the rainwater to become more acidic. What effect does this have on our buildings, trees, animals and other things? Acid rain kills trees and fish and also speeds up the weathering of buildings and statues.
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