CA Lec 5


Bachelors Cultural Anthropology Fichas sobre CA Lec 5, creado por f4f el 29/09/2015.
Fichas por f4f, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por f4f hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
survey opinion polls poly sci sociology
experimental designs psych
fieldwork anthropology
nature of fieldwork preparing for the field contact person informants language and time participant observation
research techniques and tools pencil and notebook census and maps genealogies and life histories camera audio recorder computer diary field notebook
humans aspects of fieldwork living arrangements food supplies currency lack of privacy sanitation and health
archaeology discovery and interpretation of artifacts and natural objects with a view of the reconstruction of history and culture
objectives of archaeology classify and describe objects found chronologically arrange the data synthesize data w/known historical events and cultures
selection of site mounds erosions contrasts in vegetation surface finds underwater archaeology
living site food streets walls storage rooms trade implements
burial site grave goods
workshop site tools weapons knives cooking pots
quarry sites technology
ceremonial sites altars
datum point offsite measuring point
test pitting surface conditions
artifact recording position recorded numbered catalogued listed in register placed in paper or cloth bag labeled with ID number
assemblage of materials artifact (man made object) feature (not removable) object (not man made): animal bones, plant seeds, shells, ashes
dead sea scrolls discovered in 1947 all OT books minus Esther Essenes
precision for extraction electrical resistance magnetometer probes flashgun camera
pre-columbian no wheels mayan only literate major cities on waterways
north american no empires east of Miss Cherokee Iroqui confederation 1840 wounded knee 4 million native americans
theology of language adam spoke language from God cooperation in fulfilling creation mandate gift of God sin effected language
descriptive linguistics study of sound structure of language
phonetics study of physical attributes of sound [p] in pen and sheep international phonetic alphabet
phonemics study of sounds in a language that are recognized and distinguished by its speakers phoneme pin. tin. sin
morpheme smallest combo of sounds that have meaning 0 divide into smaller units single morpheme: like two bound morphemes: un, dis can't stand alone prefix or suffix
syntax rules that organize words into phrases/sentences morphemes: ordered differently for new meaning
noam chomsky thought -> language basic language parts -> deep structure -> transformational rules
sapir-whorf linguistic relativism language -> thought
sociolinguistics relationship between language and social structure
ethnography of speaking analysis of speech events in specific settings study of speech behaviors
nonverbal communication sign language
proxemics define proper body space intimate personal social public
indo-european western european slavic indo-iranian
finno ugric finnish, hungaria eastern european and northern russia
altiac turkik, mongol, manchu central asia
afro-asiatic chad, cushitin north africa/middle east
niger-congo swahili central africa
malayo- polynesian indonesian, melonesian south pacific
sino-tibetan burman, sinitic myanmar, tibet, china, thailand
dravidian tamil, malayam souther and central india, pakistan
austro-asiatic vientanmese, munda eastern india, southeast asia
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