Databases and SQL - OCR Computer Science A Level


A level (Databases and SQL) Computer Science Fichas sobre Databases and SQL - OCR Computer Science A Level, creado por Malachy Moran-Tun el 18/05/2022.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Fichas por Malachy Moran-Tun, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Malachy Moran-Tun
Creado por Malachy Moran-Tun hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is an Entity? A category of object, person, event, or thing of interest to an organisation, about which data is to be recorded
What are Attributes and Records? > Attributes - columns of the whole table (entity) > Records - rows of the whole table
What is a Flat File Database? > Consists of a single file > Suitable to store one entity, e.g., a list of aname > Repeated data makes them inefficient > Unsuitable for more than one entity and their relationships
What is a Primary Key? > Identifyer required for each entity in a database > Usually a numeric key for each record
What is a Secondary Key? Used as an alternative index that is easier to know, e.g., a surname rather than a number
What are the 3 Types of Relationships between Entities? > One-to-One > One-to-Many > Many-to-One
What is a Foreign Key? > Attribute that joins two tables > Common to both tables - primary key in one, foreign in another > Allows for relationships between tables
How are Tables Linked in Many-to-Many Relationships? > Additional table is created, containing just both primary / foreign keys > Both keys in the one table count as a "composite primary key"
What is Referential Integrity? > Keeping shared / required attributes in databases > Shared attributes are not deleted on only one entity, in order to maintain the relationship
What is Normalisation? > Process to ensure the best possible design for a relational database > Ensures that - No data is unnecessarily duplicated - Data is consistent throughout the database (e.g., not conflicting entries in different tables) - The structure of each table is flexible and allows entering as many or as few items as requied - The structure allows for complex queries
What is First Normal Form? > All field (attribute) names must be unique > Values in fields (attributes) should be from the same domain > Values in fields (attributes) should be atomic, i.e., they are either updated in their entirety or not at all > No two records may be identical > Every table must have a primary key
What is Second Normal Form? > All the requirements of 1NF plus: > Remove any partial dependencies (i.e., none of the attributes depend on composite keys / only part of the primary key) > Fix and Many-to-Many relationships as a result of removing partial dependencies
What is Third Normal Form? > All the requirements of 2NF (and 1NF) plus: > Remove any transistive dependencies (i.e., ensure that non-key fields are not dependent on eachother)
Why is Normalisation Important? > Data integrity (i.e., no data redundancy) is maintained, meaning there is no conflicting or unnecessary duplication of data > Faster searching, due to smaller tables with fewer fields (also saving storage space) > Records cannot be accidentally deleted in one-to-many relationships
What is Capturing Data, and what Methods can be Used? > Data has to be inputted (either automatically or manually) before it is added to a database > Manual methods include transcribing data from a form > Automatic methods include: MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, used for cheques), OMR (Optical Mark Recognition), OCR (fuck 'em... i mean Optical Character Recognition), or NFC (Near Field Communication) > Data may be selected / filtered, only capturing those that match certain criteria before being added to the database
How can Data be Transferred between Systems without the need for Human Intervention? > EDI - Electronic Data Interchange > Documents that use standard formatting can be exchanged electronically > Transaction software processes the information
What is a Transaction? A single, logical operation on data
What is ACID? > A set of properties that guarentee transactions are reliably processed > Atomicity - transaction is processed in its entirety or not at all (e.g., in powercuts or crashes, the transaction does not proceed, or only process part of it) > Consistency - no transaction has violate the defined rules for maintaining referential integrity > Isolation - a transation cannot be interrupted by another, and concurrent transations lead to the same results as transactions happening one after another > Durability - similar to atomicity, once a transaction has been committed, it is irreversable, even if there is a system fail
What is Record Locking? > Prevents simultaneous access to objects in a database, so multiple people cannot update it inconsistently > E.g., a record is locked when a user is editing it or retrieving data from it
What is Serialisation? > Ensures transactions do not overlap in time - i.e., they cannot interfere with eachother, or lead to updates being lost
What is Timestamp Ordering? > Serialisation technique > Objects in a database are given a read and write timestamp, updated when needed > When a transaction starts, it reads data from a record, setting the read timestamp. Before data is written, it checks to see if the timestamp has updated since, if so, it does not continue as a transaction is currently taking place
What is Commitment Ordering? > Serialisation technique > Ensures that transactions are not lost when more than one person is accessing the same database object > Transactions are ordered in terms of their dependencies on eachother, as well as by time
What is SQL? > Structured Query Language > Declaritave language used for updating tables in a relational database > Uses statements to make, query, and modify databases
What do the Following Commands do? > SELECT > FROM > WHERE > ORDER BY > SELECT - lists the fields to be displayed > FROM - lists the table(s) where data will be read from > WHERE - lists data that matches the criteria > ORDER BY - orders the results (default is ascending order)
How does the LIKE Command Work? > Condition that finds values with a wildcard > LIKE "a%" finds values that begin with a > LIKE "%a" finds values that end with a > LIKE "%a%" finds values with a in any position > LIKE "_a%" finds values with a in second position (more underscores = higher position) > LIKE "a%b" finds values that begin with a and and with b
What does the JOIN Command do? > Combines rows from two or more tables, based on a common field between them
How does the CREATE TABLE Command Work? CREATE TABLE table_name ( Attribute1 DATA_TYPE, PRIMARY KEY Attribute2 DATA_TYPE etc. ) For linked tables: FOREIGN KEY Attribute3 REFERENCES OtherTable(Attribute3)
What Data Types can be used when Creating a Table? > CHAR(n) - string of fixed length n > VARCHAR(n) - string of variable length, max n > BOOLEAN - true or false, i mean you should know that one > INTEGER / INT - ... an integer, what did you expect? > FLOAT - a decimal (real) number > DATE - a... a date. y'know, day, month year > TIME - like hours, minutes, and seconds... it's pretty self explanatory > CURRENCY - le cash money
How does the ALTER TABLE Command Work? > Used to add, delete, or modify columns > ALTER TABLE table_name ADD attribute_name - adds the specified attribute > ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN attribute_name - removes the specified attribute > ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY COLUMN attribute_name DATA_TYPE - changes the data type of the attribute
How does the INSERT INTO Command Work? > Used to insert a new record into a table INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2...) VALUES (value1, value2...) > If attributes are unknown, do not list them in the columns or values
How does the UPDATE Command Work? > Used to update a record in a database table UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, etc. WHERE attribute = value
How does the DELETE Command Work? > it deletes a record. who'd've thunk it? DELETE FROM table_name WHERE attribute = value
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