C# keywords


keywords for the c# programming test
Thiago Avelino
Fichas por Thiago Avelino, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Thiago Avelino
Creado por Thiago Avelino hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Covariance Lets a method return a value from a subclass of the result expected by a delegate - more derived return
contravariance Lets a method take parameters that are from a superclass of the type expected by a delegate - less derived return
ADO.net (ActiveX Data Object) is a set of classes that enables you to connect to a database, retrieve data, execute stored procedures, add, update and delete records
Array.Rank Dimensions
CLR Managed code is executed by the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Shallow Copy In that case a new object B is created, and the fields values of A are copied over to B. <Array.Clone()>A shallow copy of an Array copies only the elements of the Array, whether they are reference types or value types,
WCF Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is Microsoft’s unified programming model for building service-oriented applications.
polymorphism Polymorphism means one object behaving as multiple forms. One function behaves in different forms. In other words, "Many forms of a single object is called Polymorphism."
virtual keyword The virtual keyword is used to modify a method, property, indexer or event declaration, and allow it to be overridden in a derived class. By default, methods are non-virtual.
ADO.NET Entity Framework The Entity Framework has a graphical user interface that enables you to drag and drop objects from a database onto a design surface. This is called an Object-Relational Mapping tool, or ORM tool.
async + await async is a method modifier await is a keyword when calling a method private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ this.Text = "Started"; await MyLongRunningProcess(); this.Text = "Finished";}
Binary Serialization [Serializable] at the class [NonSerialized] if ignore
Xml Serialization Don't need [Serializable] if ignore [XmlIgnore]
Json Serialization [DataContract] at the class [DataMember] for each property no attribute if ignore
LINQ Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is a language feature in the .NET Framework that enables you to use common syntax to query data in a collection, an XML document, a database, or any type that supports the IEnumerable<T> or IQueryable<T> interface.
LINQ projection Selecting a limited number of properties or transforming the result into a different type is referred to as projection.
Composite Keys - LINQ inner join with 2 variables new { City = e.City, State = e.State } equals new { City = h.City, State = h.State }
Preprocessor Directives Preprocessor directives tell the C# compiler how to process pieces of code.
#pragma The #pragma directive gives special instructions to the compiler, potentially enabling you to create new preprocessor instructions. #pragma warning #pragma checksum
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