Unit 04_Vocabulary for Fluency_Me-; me-kan; me-i verbs - Sheet1


College (Vocabulary For Fluency) Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining Fichas sobre Unit 04_Vocabulary for Fluency_Me-; me-kan; me-i verbs - Sheet1, creado por SLS Indonesian el 09/06/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Fichas por SLS Indonesian, actualizado hace más de 1 año
SLS Indonesian
Creado por SLS Indonesian hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
menyetujui to agree
menjawab to answer; to reply
memanggang to bake; to roast; to grill
menjadi to become
menggigit to bite
meniup to blow
membawa to bring; to carry
membangun To Build
membeli to buy
memilih To choose
memanjat To climb
menyisir to comb
memasak to cook
mengopi to copy
menghitung to count; to calculate
menangis to cry
memotong To cut
menari to dance (traditional)
meninggal to die
melukis; menggambar to draw
menyetir to drive
menikmati To Enjoy
merasa to feel
merasa sakit to feel ill
merasa sehat; merasa baik to feel well
menjemput to fetch
mencari to find
mengembangkan to develop
mengikuti to follow
menggiling to grind
membenci to hate
mendengar to hear; to listen
menolong to help
memukul to hit
memegang to hold
melompat to jump
melihat to look at; to see
mencintai to love
membuat to make
menikah to marry
membuka to open
mengecat to paint
membayar to pay
menelpon to phone
mengirim pos to post
menarik to pull; interesting
mendorong to push
membaca to read
mengenali to recognise
menolak to refuse
mengingat to remember
menyewa to rent
menabung to save (money)
menjual to sell
menutup to shut
menyanyi to sing
mengiris to slice
mencium to kiss; to smell
merokok to smoke
mengeja to spell
memulai to start
mengajar to teach
melempar to throw
menyentuh to touch
mengerti to understand
menunggu to wait
mencuci to wash
menonton to watch
memakai to wear; to use
menulis to write
mengungkap to express
mengungkapkan to give expression to
mengurus to manage; to organise
mencicipi to taste
mendaftarkan to register
mengubah to change something/someone
menerapkan to apply
membatalkan; mencabut to repeal; to cancel
meminang to propose (marriage)
mencapai to achieve
menghormati to show respect
mencegah to prevent
mengira to think
merusak To damage
menyesal to regret
menghafal to memorise
mencapai to reach; to achieve
melotot to open wide (eyes)
mengepit to carry (under the arm)
mengumpat to curse; to swear
mengambil to take
mengekor to tail; to follow
menebeng to freeload
mengusap To wipe off; to caress
memborgol to handcuff
memarut to grate
menyapu to sweet
menyemir to polish
menyiram to spray; to water
mendidih to boil
menginap to stay the night
mengungsi to flee
meludah to spit
menyusu to suckle
menggunung to pile up
memuncak to peak; to culminate
mendarat to land
mendekat to move close
menjauh to move away
menyeberang to cross; to go to the other side
mengaum to roar
mencicit to squeak
mendengkur to snore
mengembik to bleat
mengeong to miaow
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