Croatian_Unit 6_Day 1


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Fichas sobre Croatian_Unit 6_Day 1, creado por FSI Croatian el 28/06/2022.
FSI Croatian
Fichas por FSI Croatian, actualizado hace más de 1 año
FSI Croatian
Creado por FSI Croatian hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
podne noon
Kako se osjećate? How are you feeling?
Dobro sam. I am well. I am fine.
Sad sam bolje. I am better now.
Vi ne izgledate najbolje. You do not look your best.
U pravu ste! You are right!
obično usually
polen pollen
zrak air
otići na posao to leave for work
Baš mi je žao! I am so sorry!
recept prescription
liječnik, liječnica physician
kod liječnika at the doctor’s
brzo quickly
lijek djeluje brže medicine that works faster
zdrav, zdrava healthy
vjerovati to trust
nuspojava side effect
tržnica farmer’s market
rano early
ranije earlier
više more
voće fruit
svjež, svježa fresh
povrće vegetables
osim toga besides, other than that
rajčica tomato
maslina olive
jabuka apple
domaći, domaća domestic
preporučiti to recommend
malo little, few
manje less, fewer
učinkovit, učinkovita efficient
preparat product (remedy)
pod drugim imenom under a different name
dva puta dnevno twice a day
uzrokuje pospanost it causes drowsiness
jak, jaka strong
jači, jača stronger
slab, slaba weak
slabiji, slabija weaker
Često uzimam prirodne lijekove. I often take natural medicine.
Ja ću uzeti bolovanje. I want to take sick leave.
skup, skupa expensive
skuplji, skuplja more expensive
jeftin, jeftina inexpensive, cheap
jeftiniji, jeftinija cheaper
zaboraviti to forget
Najvažnije je da... The most important thing is that...
bolestan, bolesna sick
pomagati / pomoći + D to help
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