Santiago, Albert-Vocab Unit 5 #11-20


Fichas sobre Santiago, Albert-Vocab Unit 5 #11-20, creado por Albert Santiago el 19/11/2013.
Albert Santiago
Fichas por Albert Santiago, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Albert Santiago
Creado por Albert Santiago hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
morose having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly
opaque not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid
paramount chief in importance, above all others
prattle (verb) to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble (noun) baby talk; babble
rebut to offer arguments or evidence that contradict an assertion; to refute
reprimand (verb) to scold; find fault with (noun) a rebuke
servitude slavery, forced labor
slapdash careless and hasty
stagnant not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive
succumb to give way to superior force, yield
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