Guess Who? 2nd


An icebreaker for my students at the beginning of the school year.
Myra Austin
Fichas por Myra Austin, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Myra Austin
Creado por Myra Austin hace más de 2 años
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
I'm a traveler. Who am I? Kenneth
I like cooking. Who am I? Carlos S.
I love sharks. Who am I? JaDarius
I like Fortnite. Who am I? Jermaine C.
I love Math. Who am I? Jaylin
I can do a split and jump off something and do a split without hurting myself. Who am I? Rio Braxton
I have a baby brother coming in January. Who am I? Karisma
I have traveled to New York. Who am I? Jedziah "Jazzy"
I want to travel when I'm older. Who am I? Ashley R.
I like horror/scary movies. Who am I? Madali
My dad is a rapper. Who am I? Jerel
My favorite parent is my mom. Who am I? La'Maria
I was born in the U.S.A Who am I? Kai
I'm on level 94 on Call of Duty. Who am I? Ricardo
I like to Who am I? Carlos F. J.
I like to play soccer. Who am I? Jason
I am a god in dragon blox in Roblox. Who am I? Jose
I am on level 151 in Fortnite. Who am I? Aldair
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