L5 Phrases


Fichas sobre L5 Phrases, creado por FSI Slovenian el 17/08/2022.
FSI Slovenian
Fichas por FSI Slovenian, actualizado hace más de 1 año
FSI Slovenian
Creado por FSI Slovenian hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Nič ne de. It doesn't matter.
Ali ga imate na razpolago ? Do you have it available?( at disposal)
Rada bi vaš nasvet. I would like your advice.
Kaj lahko še storim za vas? What else can I do for you?
Nimam slovarja pa ga takoj rabim. I don't have a dictionary, but I need it right away.
Rada bi nekaj pisarniškega materiala. I would like some office supplies.
Še nekaj! Something else!
Stenskega koledarja nimam pri roki, ampak ga takoj poiščem. I don't have a wall calendar at hand, but I will find it (m) right away.
Ne, hvala, ne rabim je. No, thanks, I don't need it (f).
Trenutno je na sestanku. At the moment he is in a meeting.
Izvolite! Here you are...,After you ...
Ne, ni več bolan. No, he isn't sick anymore.
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