Unit 06_Lesson 04_Practice for Fluency 05 - Sheet1


College (Speaking) Languages - Unit 6: Food and Celebration Fichas sobre Unit 06_Lesson 04_Practice for Fluency 05 - Sheet1, creado por SLS Indonesian el 23/08/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Fichas por SLS Indonesian, actualizado hace más de 1 año
SLS Indonesian
Creado por SLS Indonesian hace alrededor de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Kalau masih kurang, silakan minta lagi. If the food is not enough, please ask for more.
Kalau terlalu pedas, silakan minta air lagi. If the food is not spicy, please ask for more water.
Kalau tempatnya terlalu jauh, silakan naik taksi. If the place is too far, please take a taxi.
Kalau tokonya terlalu mahal, silakan pergi ke toko lain. If the store is too expensive, please go to a different store.
Kalau kualitas makanannya tidak baik, silakan makan di restoran lain. If the food quality is not good, please eat at another restaurant.
Kalau pelayannya tidak ramah, silakan bicara dengan managernya. If the waiter is not friendly, please speak to the manager.
Kalau harga-harganya mahal sekali, silakan coba toko lain. If the prices are too expensive, please try another store.
Kalau makanannya terlalu sedikit, silakan tambah lagi. If the food is too little, please add more.
Kalau tempatnya terlalu ramai, silakan pergi ke tempat lain. If the place is too crowded, please go to another place.
Kalau orang-orangnya merokok, silakan duduk dekat jendela. If the people are smoking, please sit next to a window.
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