Sharon González


Vocabulary #8
Sharon Hefziba Gonzalez Morales
Fichas por Sharon Hefziba Gonzalez Morales, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sharon Hefziba Gonzalez Morales
Creado por Sharon Hefziba Gonzalez Morales hace alrededor de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Vocabulary #8 Sharon González (2nd part) Period Part of speech: Noun Synonym: Time I have a class period in the day.
Precice Part of speech: Adjetive Synonym: Exact I have a precice gift for her. Achieve Part of speech: Verb Synonym: Obtain I have to achieve send my homework.
Alter Part of speech: Verb Synonym: Change I alter the timeline in the world. Role Part of speech: noun Synonym: Character I have the role of Juliet in the story.
Attitude Part of speech: Noun Synonym: Feelings I don't like your attitude towards me. Comment Part of speech: Noun Synonym: Observation your comment is so unnecessary.
Mood Part of speech: Noun Synonym: Humor I'm in a sad mood. Suspense Part of speech: Adjetive Synonym: Anxiety
Dialect Part of speech: Verb Synonym: Idiom Thanks :)
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