Creado por FSIETC Montenegrin
hace alrededor de 2 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Parada pijanstva i kiča | A parade of drunkenness and kitsch |
intiman, intimna | intimate |
ritual | ritual |
u potpunosti | completely |
odluka | decision |
odnos | relation |
vjera | faith |
Bog | God |
predak, preci | ancestor |
duhovni aspekt | spiritual aspect |
burma | wedding ring |
značaj | importance |
vjerska zajednica | religious community |
vršenje vjerskih obreda | performing religious rites or religious ceremonies |
uživati veliko povjerenje | to hold a position of great trust |
autokefalan, autokefalna | having its own head bishop, though in communion with other Orthodox churches |
od pamtivjeka | since time immemorial |
kokoška | chicken |
od izuzetne važnosti | of extreme importance |
potvrđivati / potvrditi | to confirm |
posebnost | uniqueness |
SPC | Serbian Orthodox Church |
iskreno | honestly, sincerely |
uskoro | soon |
CPC | Montenegrin Orthodox Church |
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