

Family identification of Diptera
Anisa Albisser
Fichas por Anisa Albisser, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Anisa Albisser
Creado por Anisa Albisser hace casi 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Tipulidae (crane flies) -long halteres -prominent rostrum -long and narrow wings and legs
Mycetophilidae (fungus gnats) -hump back -long legs -long apical spurs on tibiae
Cecidomyiidae (gall midges) -small -long antennae -no tibial spurs on long legs -less wing venation
Psychodidae (moth/sand flies) -very hairy -longitudinal wing veins -flat (roof like) wings
Culicidae (mosquito) -long, slender proboscis -scale covered wings and body -most wing veins reach margin -plumose antennae in male
Simuliidae (blackflies) -humpback appearance -short legs, broad wings -strong anterior (top) veins, weak bottom -short antennae
Ceratopogonidae (no-see-ums) -very small -rounded apex of wing -plumose male antennae
Chironomidae (midges) -plumose antennae -narrow wings
Tabanidae (horseflies) -closed celled wings -separated eyes -stylate antennae -fatter body
Asilidae (robber flies) -bee mimic -large, separated eyes -thinner body -spiney legs
Bombyliidae (bee flies) -long proboscis -hairy body -often banded/spotted wings
Dolichopodidae (long-legged flies) -long stilt like legs -typically green or coppery
Hippoboscidae (louse fly) -anterior margins of wings crowded -dorso ventrally flattened -weird legs
Tachinidae -bristles bristles bristles!
Muscidae (house fly) -3 segmented tristate antennae
Calliphoridae (blowflies) -blue or green colouring
Sarcophagidae (flesh flies) -checker board pattern
Oestridae -bee like appearance -broad and flat head
Tephritidae (fruit flies) -patterned wings -
Drosophilidae -small -brown/yellow in colour
Conopidae (thick-headed flies) -black and yellow -broad head with long proboscis -geniculate antennae
Stratiomydae (soldier fly) -Robust to slender -know both morphs
Pipunculidae -compound eyes the size of their heads
Syrphidae (hover flies) -black and yellow markings -closed cells do not reach wing margin
Diopsidae -those eyes thoooo
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