Creado por SLS Indonesian
hace casi 2 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
BARESKRIM (Badan Reserse Kriminal) | Criminal Investigation Agency |
BASARNAS (Badan SAR Nasional) | National Search and Rescue Agency |
BRIMOB (Brigade Mobil) | Mobile Brigade |
DENSUS 88 (Detasemen Khusus) | Special Forces Indonesian counter-terrorism squad, and part of the Indonesian National Police |
KEMENHUB (Kementerian Perhubungan) | Department of Transportation |
KNKT (Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi) | National Transportation Safety Committee |
MABES (Markas Besar) | Head quarter |
POLANTAS (Polisi Lalu lintas) | Traffic police |
POLDA (Polisi Daerah) | Provincial police commands |
POLRES (Kepolisian Resort) | District commands |
POLRI (Kepolisian Republik Indonesia) | Indonesian National Police |
POLSEK | Kepolisian Sektor |
POLTABES (Kepolisian Kota Besar) | Special commands for capital city districts and cities |
POLWAN (Polisi Wanita) | Police woman |
PM/POM (Polisi Militer) | Military police |
POSKO (Pos Komando) | Command/Crisis Center |
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