Chapter 6 Key Terms


undergraduate Accounting Info Systems Fichas sobre Chapter 6 Key Terms, creado por Regan Deckinger el 27/03/2023.
Regan Deckinger
Fichas por Regan Deckinger, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Regan Deckinger
Creado por Regan Deckinger hace más de 1 año

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Expense The expense form can be used to record expenses that we pay for at the time we receive the product or service.
Check The check form is used when we write a check.
Bill The bill form is used to record services, such as utilities or accounting services.
Pay Bills The pay bills form is used to track products ordered from vendors.
Purchase Order A purchase order is used to track products ordered from vendors.
Vendor Credit The vendor credit form is used when a vendor gives us a refund, or reduction in the amount we owe the vendor, to our bill.
Credit Card Credit A credit card credit form is used to record a credit, or reduction in the charges by the vendor, to our credit card.
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