Biology 11 - Chapter 20 (Protists)


Fichas sobre Biology 11 - Chapter 20 (Protists), creado por avneet.d el 26/11/2013.
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Creado por avneet.d hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Protist any eukaryote that is not a plant, an animal, or a fungus
pseudopod projection of cytoplasm, or false foot, used by some protists for feeding or movement
amoeboid movement -type of locomotion used by amoebas, in which they extend out a pseudopod, after which the cytoplasm streams into the extended pseudopod, pulling the rest of the cells with it
food vacuole small cavity in the cytoplasm of protists that temporarily stores food
cilium short hairlike projection similar to a flagellum; produces movement in many cells
trichocyst small, bottle-shaped structures used for defense by paramecia
macronucleus the larger of a ciliate’s two nuclei, contains multiple copies of most of the genes that the cell needs in its day-to-day existence
micronucleus the smaller of a ciliate’s two nuclei; contains a “reserve copy” of all of the cell’s genes
gullet indentation in one side of a ciliate that allows food to enter the cell
anal pore region of the cell membrane of a ciliate where waste-containing food vacuoles fuse and are then emptied into the environment
contractile vacuole cavity in the cytoplasm of some protists that collects water and discharges it from the cell
conjugation form of sexual reproduction in which paramecia and some prokaryotes exchange genetic information
accessory pigment compound other than chlorophyll that absorbs light at different wavelengths than chlorophyll
eyespot group of cells that can detect changes in the amount of light in the environment; helps organism find light to power photosynthesis
pellicle cell membrane in euglenas
phytoplankton population of algae and other small, photosynthetic organisms found near the surface of the ocean and forming part of plankton
phycobilin accessory pigment found in red algae that is especially good at absorbing blue light, enabling red algae to live deeper in the ocean than other photosynthetic organisms
filament in algae, a long threadlike colony formed by many green algae; in plants, a long, thin structure that supports an anther
alternation of generations process in which many algae switch back and forth between haploid and diploid stages of their life cycles
gametophyte haploid, or gamete-producing, phase of an organism
spore haploid reproductive cell
sporophyte diploid, or spore-producing, phase of an organism
cellular slime mold slime mold whose individual cells remain separated during every phase of the mold’s life cycle
acellular slime mold slime mold that passes through a stage in which its cells fuse to form large cells with many nuclei
plasmodium structure with many nuclei formed by acellular slime molds
zoosporangium spore case developed from hyphae, which then produces flagellated spores that swim away in search of food
antheridium male reproductive structure in some algae and plants
oogonium specialized structure formed by hyphae that produces female nuclei
fruiting body slender reproductive structure that produces spores and is found in some funguslike protists
hypha tiny filament that makes up a multicellular fungus or water mold
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