Creado por Carissa McClellan
hace más de 1 año
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Why alter plant genetics? | Improve taste Facilitate harvest Tolerance to environmental stresses Improve flowers/flower color Increased nutritional value Pest and disease resistance |
DNA | genes that control an organism |
RNA | genetic material that makes proteins from the DNA |
Mitosis | Splitting a cell into two clone cells- done through vegetative propogation |
Meiosis | Dividing half the number of chromosomes to create a new organism with a unique set of genes- through sexual reproduction |
Haploid | One single set of genes, half the number of normal chromosomes |
Diploid | pairs of chromosomes, normal set |
Tripoid | One extra set of chromosomes |
Tetraploid | Two extra sets of chromosomes |
Polyploidy | many more times the normal number of chromosomes- more vigorous and productive plants |
3(n) triploid | Created through double fertilization- second sperm unites with tissues in the ovary to create endosperm |
The process of cloning plants | Propagation through cuttings layering grafting tissue culture |
Heterosis/hybrid vigor | plants have greater size or vigor compared to parents |
Inbreeding depression | too many recessive alleles cause problems |
Dioecy | Separate male and female plants make cross-fertilization necessary |
Incompatibility | Inability to pollinate own species Requires a pollinator and a pollinizer |
Pollinator | Insect or bird that can carry pollen |
Pollinizer | Plant or tree than can fertilize another plant or tree |
Examples of incompatible trees | Sweet cherries, apples, plums, pears, almonds, hazelnuts |
Dichogamy | male and female parts develop at different times, creating a need for cross-fertilization |
Xenia | Happens with corn- cross-fertilization happens immediately. Corn should be separated by a mile or planted 2 weeks apart |
How to avoid problems with selection pressure | Rotating modes of action such as using different pesticides |
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