Chapter 7 Key Words


Chapter 7 key terms
Shauna Brinker
Fichas por Shauna Brinker, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Shauna Brinker
Creado por Shauna Brinker hace alrededor de 1 año

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
agents The people or organizations, such as customers or salespeople, who participate in business events.
events (UML) Classes that model the organization’s transactions, usually affecting the organization’s resources, such as sales and cash receipts
events (BPMN) important occurrences that affect the flow of activities in a business process, including start, intermediate, and end events.
finished goods inventory For a manufacturing company, the inventory (REA resource) that has completed the manufacturing process and is held for sale to customers.
gateway Shows process branching and merging as the result of decisions.
intermediate error event Occurs between start and end events and affects the flow of the process.
labor operations event In the conversion process, an event that represents the recording of labor (and any associated overhead) costs applied to work-in-process.
many-to-many relationship Exists when instances of one class are related to many instances of another class and vice versa.
production authorization event In a UML class model of the conversion process, an event that records the authorization to produce one or more finished good inventory items.
raw material issue event In a UML class diagram of the conversion process, an event that records the transfer of raw materials into work-in-process.
raw materials inventory For a manufacturing company, the inventory (REA resource) acquired for use (conversion) in the manufacturing process.
REA Resource-event-agent framework for modeling business processes, originally developed by William McCarthy.
resources Those things that have economic value to a firm, such as cash and products.
type image Class that represents management information to help manage a business process.
work-in-process inventory For a manufacturing company, the value of raw materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead in production but not yet finished.
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