Sociales 4ºESO


Fichas en ingles, historia
Fichas por javiertxooo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por javiertxooo hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What has the expectancy life of people in XVIII century? And in XIX century? In XVIII century at 38 and in XIX century at 50.
When did start the industrial revolution? And where? At the middles of XVIII century in Great Britain.
Why did increase the population in the European societies industrialization? Because of an increase of foods demand and the increase of agricultural prices.
How did work the first textile machine? At the beginning they were powered by human strength, but after by hydraulic power.
What was the main industry at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution? The cotton (textile) industry.
What did invent Bessemer? A converter to transform iron in steel.
What did it mean the use of railway? The journeys were shorter, safer and cheaper.
What was the most important innovation of the locomotive railway? It´s powered by a steam engine.
What did increase the internal trade? The improvement of the transport system.
What were the principles of liberalism? The search of maximum benefit is the key of the economy, the supply and demand balance the market and the State can´t intervene in the economy.
Why were the banks important during the capitalism? Because they delivered money to the companies, bought shares and facilitated the payments.
Where did extend the industrial capitalism? When? France and Belgium at the beginning of XIX century and between 1850-1870 in Russia, Germany, USA and Japan.
When and where was the oil begin to extract? In USA. In the XIX century.
Which were the characteristics of serial production? Better way to increase productivity, reduce time spent and reduce manufacturing costs.
Why the bourgeoisie became the hemegonic group? Because they were the owners of industries and business.
Who were the factorie's workers? They formed the industrial proletariat, and they were the most numerous and disadvantaged in the new society group.
What did create the workers to defend their interests? Mutual aid societies.
What did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels do? They reported the working class and defend the need of the workers revolution to destroy the capitalism.
What were the anarchists opposed to? Participation in political life and the Organization of workers in political parties.
What did defend the Marxists and anarchists? They defended the need to unite/ unify the efforts of the working class against the capitalism.
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