
Fichas sobre ACTION VERBS, creado por Kathryn GUILLOT el 07/12/2023.
Fichas por Kathryn GUILLOT, actualizado hace 10 meses
Creado por Kathryn GUILLOT hace 10 meses

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
to achieve accomplir/réaliser
to develop développer
to reduce réduire
to supervise superviser/encadrer
to organize organiser
to implement mettre en oeuvre
to analyze analyser
to innovate innover
to resolve résoudre
to train former
to coordinate coordonner
to execute mettre en exécution
to improve améliorer
to manage gérer
to oversee superviser/surveiller
to transform transformer
to create créer
to increase augmenter
to produce produire
to lead mener
to direct diriger
to expand étendre/se diversifier
to succeed réussir
to schedule programmer
to prioritize donner la priorité à (prioriser)
to deliver livrer
to counsel / to advise conseiller
to inspire inspirer/motiver
to negotiate négocier
to follow up faire le suivi
to monitor surveiller
to design concevoir
to evaluate évaluer
to assess évaluer
to check vérifier
to carry out effectuer
to learn apprendre
to teach enseigner
to perform performer
to write rédiger
to plan prévoir/organiser
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