Chapter 6-10 : Key Terms


Intro to Sociology ch6-10 key terms
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Resumen del Recurso

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Status recognized social pattern
Status Set collection of statuses
Ascribed vs. Achieved Ascribed = born with status Achieved = worked for status
Social Mobility change in social hierarchy/status
Master Status individual dominates all of his/her other statuses in most social context (ex: race)
Status Consistency social status hierarchies line up
Status Inconsistency individual highly ranked in one status but not others
Role set of behaviours/attitudes associated with particular status
Role Strain conflict between roles within role set of particular status
Role Conflict person forced to reconcile with 2+ statuses
Role Exit disengaging / stepping down
Dramaturgical Analysis *** Erving Goffman *** - presentation of self - impression management - front/back stage
Means of Production main social means needed for producing wealth
Means of Consumption main social means by which people consume produced
Identity Formation ongoing process by which individual develops sense of self
Conspicuous Consumption purchase & use of goods/services for demonstrating wealth/status2
Pecuniary Emulation copying spending habits of the wealthy
Cultural Capital *** Pierre Bourdieu *** parents introduce to children to give them "better chance" (taste is class specific)
Hyperral *** Jean Baudrillad *** mediated representation of real life that people relate to as through it was authentic
Affluence Hypothesis *** Ronald Inglehart *** consumption habits of people living in Western societies more socially significant than others
Technological Fetishism recently developed technical innovation objects of uncritical adoration (ex: APPLE)
Ethic of Consumption "celebrates" ability to spend
Ethical Consumption boycotting/buying a product based on ethics/values
Consumer Activism practices aimed at protecting consumers from being exploited by sellers
Deviance straying away from the societal norm **NOT CRIMINAL**
Overt Characteristics actions/qualities taken as explicitly violating the cultural norm
Covert Characteristic unstated qualities that might make a particular group a target for sanctions
Strain Theory *** Robert Merton *** explain why some "choose" to be criminally deviant
Subcultural Theory *** Albert Cohen *** youths drawn to crime are those who become socialized into delinquent subculture
Labelling Theory *** Howard Becker *** individuals and groups outside mainstream internalize labels applied to them
Conflict Deviance disagreement among groups whether of not somethings deviant
Social Constructionism certain elements of social life are natural but artificial
Essentialism there's something "natural" or "true" of social life
Types of Deviance - radicalizing - female - white collar crime - homosexuality - disability - poverty
Social Inequality long-term existence of significant differences in access to goods/services among groups
Stratification describes society as a though it was layered
Marx vs. Weber means of production/ separation of classes vs. wealth, power & prestige
ideology relatively coherent set of interrelated beliefs about society
Ideologies Dominant - Liberal - Counter dom = dominant majority counter = critique of dom liberal = individualism
Hegemony non-coeercive methods of maintaining power
Class Reductionism sociologist study situation attributes all forms of oppression to class
Caste System (India) - stratification of people based on ascription - regulates occupations, d harmas (duties), rights to food, colours of clothing, religious practices...
Racialization social process in which groups of people are viewed/judged as different because intellect, morality, values &worth due to appearance/heritage
Four Elements of Racism 1. racialization 2. prejudice 3. discrimination 4. power
Types of Racism 1. racial bigotry 2. systematic racism 3. friendly racism
Primordialism ethnic group made up of "laundry list" of traits that have been carried down
Social Constructionism ethnicity constructed by individual for varying social purposes
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