Chapter 2: Fractions Key Terms


Vocabulary words from Chapter 2: Fractions
Kyra Louthan
Fichas por Kyra Louthan, actualizado hace 6 días
Kyra Louthan
Creado por Kyra Louthan hace 6 días

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Cancellation Reducing process that is used to simplify the multiplication and division of fractions
Common Denominators To add 2 or more fractions, denominators must be the same
Denominator Number below the bar/ EX: 8/9 9 being the denominator
Equivilant 2 or more fractions equivalent in value
Fraction Express a part of a whole number/ EX: 5/6 is 5 pieces out of 6
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) Largest possible number that will divide evenly into both the numerator and denominator
Higher Terms Expressing fraction with a new numerator and denominator that is equivalent to the original/ EX: 2/9=6/27
Improper Fraction Fraction value greater than or equal to 1, numerator greater than or equal to the denominator
Least Common Denominator (LCD) Smallest nonzero whole number. All denominator will divide evenly
Like Fractions Proper fractions with the same denominator
Lowest Terms Expressing fraction when no number divides evenly into the numerator and denominator except 1
Mixed Numbers Sum of whole number and fraction/ EX: 2 1/4
Numerator top number on the fraction bar/ EX: 8/7 where 8 is the numerator
Prime Numbers Whole numbers bigger than 1 only divisible by itself and 1
Proper Fraction Fraction with a value less than 1/ EX: 1/3
Reciprocal Interchanging of numerator and denominator inverted/ EX: 1/3 -> 3/1
Unlike Fractions Proper fractions with different denominators/ EX: 7/8 and 3/5
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