Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Online - Chapter 2 - Key Terms – QBO Chart of Accounts


Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Online - Chapter 2 - Key Terms – QBO Chart of Accounts
Susan Esch
Fichas por Susan Esch, actualizado hace 5 meses
Susan Esch
Creado por Susan Esch hace 5 meses

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Primary objective of accounting Is to provide information for decision making.
Chart of Accounts Is a list of accounts and account numbers for a business.
Accounts Are used to record transactions in our accounting system and permit us to sort, organize, summarize, and track information.
Subaccounts Are useful in tracking additional details for accounts, breaking down accounts into types, and roll up into the total for the parent account.
Account Name The name column displays the name assigned to a specific account.
Register Displays more detailed information about accounts and displays all transactions for an account and a running balance.
Balance Sheet Summarizes what a company owns and owes on a particular date.
Profit and Loss Statement (also referred to as P&L Statement or Income Statement) Summarizes the income a company has earned and the expenses incurred to earn the income.
Statement of Cash Flows Summarizes cash inflows and cash outflows for operating, investing, and financing activities of a business.
Assets Are resources that a company owns and are expected to have future benefit.
Liabilities Are amounts a company owes to others and are obligations.
External users Includes bankers, creditors, and investors.
Internal users Include managers and employees of the business.
QuickBooks Balance Is the balance QBO shows in your accounts, and this is based on the transactions and information entered into QBO.
Equity accounts (or stockholders’ equity for a corporation) Represent the net worth of a business and is calculated as assets minus liabilities.
Income accounts Accounts which record sales to customers and other revenues earned by the company.
Expense accounts Accounts which record costs that have expired or been consumed in the process of generating income.
Permanent accounts Balance sheet accounts with balances which are carried forward from year to year.
Temporary accounts Profit and loss accounts which are used to trach account data for a temporary period of time, usually one year.
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