Pregunta | Respuesta |
adjust | adjust to something After a while his eyes adjusted to the dark. adjust to doing something It took her a while to adjust to living alone. приспособявам се They'll be fine—they just need time to adjust. |
adjustment | 1. нагаждане, приспособяване, нагласяване, пригодяване 2.тех. регулиране, нагласяне, настройване, проверяване a small change made to something in order to correct or improve it I've made a few adjustments to the design. Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 2. a change in the way a person behaves or thinks She went through a period of emotional adjustment after her marriage broke up. |
To get away from it all. | from it all от всичко това |
LIE laɪ LAY lei LAIN lies, lying, lay | to lie on your back/side/front lie on the beach |
OBTAIN | получавам, сдобивам се, взимам to obtain advice/information/permission |
LAUNCH lɔːntʃ | launch something to start an activity, especially an organized 1 почвам, предприемам (акция), пускам в ход, to launch an appeal/an inquiry/an investigation/a campaign to launch an attack/invasion |
APPEAL [ə'pi:l] | II. 1. молба, искане призив, апел, възвание (for за) |
to APPEAL for (witnesses, information) | Police launched an appeal for any new information which may help in the search for a canoeist who went missing six months ago. |
fail [feil] | I. 1. не успявам, не сполучвам (to с inf да) ...and the alarm was raised when he failed to return. |
His wife has also appealed for witnesses to come forward with information. | She sad she was sure that her husband had died at sea, an that that she didn't think he would have disappeared intentionally. |
intentionally ɪnˈtenʃənəli | умишлено She would never intentionally hurt anyone. I kept my statement intentionally vague. |
vague [veig] | a неясен, смътен, неопределен, неясно формулиран/изразен/ VAGUE resemblance далечна/едва доловима прилика I haven't the VAGUEst notion of нямам ни най-малка представа за he was very VAGUE on this point той не каза нищо определено по този въпрос |
resemblance [ri'zembləns] | n прилика, сходство, подобие to bear RESEMBLANCE to приличам на |
reappear [,ri:ə'piə] | v появявам се/показвам се отново |
to be arrested on suspicion of ( fraud, theft ) | A missing canoeist who reappeared last weekend 5 yard after he had been declared drowned has be arrested on the suspicion of fraud. |
to be charged with (fraud, obtaining false document) 4. обвинявам, държа отговорен (with в, за) CHARGEd with theft обвинен в кражба | He has been charged with falsely obtaining insurance money by faking his own death. |
to be declared (dead, drowned) | He was declared dead after massive search operation had failed to find him. |
to receive a (6 years sentence) | to be sentenced to (6 years) |
He was sentenced to 6 years for faking his own death in order to obtain insurance money. | She received a six-and-a-half year sentence for her part in a fraud. |
to fake (someone's signature,your own death) | to launch an (operation,appeal,enquiry) |
loathe loʊð | to dislike somebody/something very much SYNONYM detest I loathe modern art. They loathe each other. |
detest | to hate somebody/something very much SYNONYM loathe They detested each other on sight. |
detestation ˌdiːteˈsteɪʃn | отвращение, омраза, ненавист |
I saw stn about that on the news, but I didn't really pay much attention. What happened? | Why would he do that? It was all an insurance fraud, apparently. |
apparently [ə'pærəntli] adv както изглежда, очевидно | apparent [ə'pærənt] 1. видим, забележим APPARENT to the naked eye видим с просто око 2. очевиден, явен, несъмнен |
claim [kleim] | I. 1. изисквам, предявявам искане, изявявам претенции/права и пр. (за) претендирам (to да с inf) II. 1. искане, иск, претенция, право, твърдение pay CLAIM искане за увеличение на заплатата |
But how could he claim insurance if he was supposed to be dead? | After he was declared dead, his wife claimed his pensions and life insurance. |
custody ['kʌstədi] | the state of being in prison, especially while waiting for trial After the riot, 32 people were taken into police custody. 2. задържане, арестуване to take into CUSTODY арестувам, задържам |
daunt [dɔ:nt] | daunt somebody to make somebody feel nervous and less confident about doing something SYNONYM intimidate She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead. 1. всявам страх у, сплашвам, уплашвам 2. обезкуражавам, обезсърчавам, възпирам |
daunting dɔːntɪŋ SYNONYM intimidating | She has the daunting task of cooking for 20 people every day. Starting a new job can be a daunting prospect. плашещо, респектиращо |
intimidating | frightening in a way which makes a person feel less confident an intimidating manner intimidating for/to somebody This kind of questioning can be very intimidating to children. |
intimidate [in'timideit] | They were accused of intimidating people into voting for them. She refused to be intimidated by their threats. v сплашвам, уплашвам, заплашвам принуждавам/заставям чрез заплаха (into с ger) |
intimidation ɪnˌtɪmɪˈdeɪʃn | 1. заплашване, сплашване 2. уплашване, уплаха, смущение the intimidation of witnesses |
wholesale | prices_цени на едро happening or done to a very large number of people or things the wholesale slaughter of innocent people |
bid bidding, bid, bid | 1 to offer to pay a particular price for something, especially at an auction bid (something) (for something) I bid £2000 for the painting. |
commit [ka'mit] | 4. извършвам (грешка, престъпление и пр.) to COMMIT suicide самоубивам се to COMMIT a crime |
IT DOESN'T SAY | не се споменава |
IT SAID | там пишеше |
YAWN [jɔ:n] | I. 1. прозявам се 2. казвам нещо, прозявайки се II. 1. прозявка 2. sl. нещо скучно/досадно |
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