Locarno Treaties


(5. Stresemann Era) History-Germany Fichas sobre Locarno Treaties, creado por Emily Tisch el 03/12/2013.
Emily Tisch
Fichas por Emily Tisch, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emily Tisch
Creado por Emily Tisch hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Why was the Locarno Treaties put in place? To restore relationships with France and Britain, to restore Germany's international prestige.
When was it signed? 1925
What did the treaty say? Keep existing borders between Germany, Belgium and France.
Which countries signed the treaty? Britain, France, Belgium and Italy.
What was the name of the period of co-operation between the countries after the signing? The 'Locarno Honeymoon'.
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