

Educación Secundaria (1º) Ciencias Sociales Fichas sobre Climates, creado por Inés H el 30/11/2015.
Inés H
Fichas por Inés H, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Inés H
Creado por Inés H hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
About the hot climate... *It's between the tropics *Really high temperatures *Average: 25º *It rains daily
Types of hot climates *Desert Climate *Tropical Climate *Equatorial Climate
Where can you find the temperate climate? Inbetween the tropics and the Artic/Antartic circles
About the temperate climate... *The weather changes depending on the season *Average: 20º *It rains in Autumn and Spring
Types of temperate climates... *Mediterranean Climate *Maritime Climate *Continental Climate
About the Mediterranean Climate... *In countries next to the Mediterranean Sea *Soft tempreature *Doesn't rain in Summer
About the Continental Climate... *In the middle of continents *Strong contrasts of temperature *The rain becomes snow
About the Maritime Climate... *Countries next to the ocean *Soft temperatures *It rains a lot
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