Psychology of Language Midterm 3


Psychology of Language
Amanda Clarke
Fichas por Amanda Clarke, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Amanda Clarke
Creado por Amanda Clarke hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Cause of strokes interrupted blood flow to the brain (usually due to a blocked artery (clot) or hemorrhage
Cause of Ischemic Strokes blood supply blocked; region supplied by blocked blood vessel no longer has access to oxygen & glucose, creating in infarct zone
Risk factors for blood clots smoking, high BP, obesity, high cholesterol, excessive drinking
How to spot a stroke (F.A.S.T.) F = face drooping A = arm weakness S = speech difficulty T = time to call 911
Location of Broca's inferior frontal gyrus in the anterior brain region
Location of Wernicke's posterior temporal lobe in the posterior brain region
Characteristics of Broca's non-fluent anomia relatively good comprehension poor repetition agrammatic production & comprehension problems with motor word representations
Anomia difficulty remembering object names
Characteristics of Wernicke's fluent anomia relatively poor comprehension poor repetition jarognistic problems with auditory word representations
phonological paraphasia phonological error when producing word
semantic paraphasia semantic error when producing word
neologism non-word
jargonistic makes sense to the speaker, but not to anyone else
Conduction Aphasia Understand/produce words, but can't repeat them Damaged connection between auditory word sounds & motor language planning centers
The Visual Word Form Area (main characteristics) gateway to the reading system in ventral occipito-temporal lobe activated by acceptable visual words & letter strings literacy: increased response to words & decreased response to faces
Pure Alexia Can't read (except with individual letter identification)
Phonological Dyslexia Can't read non-words Known word reading relatively intact
Surface Dyslexia Can't read irregular words Regularizations Non-word reading is okay
Deep Dyslexia Can't read non-words Semantic substitutions
Brodmann Areas (location & function) In the cerebral cortex Defined by differences in "cytoarchitecture" (types/thickness of cellular layers)
N400 semantic incongruity between what you expected to hear & what you actually heard
P600 syntactic anomaly
Inclusive Criteria for language deficits SLI or DD Severity of the impairment throughout lifespan
Exclusive criteria for language deficits No deficit in non-verbal IQ No trauma or neurological disorder No sensorial deficits No psychiatric deficits Adequate access to education
Specific Language Impairments Oral language deficit
Developmental Dyslexia Poor literacy skills despite adequate intelligence & opportunity to learn Low reading age
Autism Spectrum Disorder (triad) Impairments in: communication, social interaction, behavior
Asperger's (language delay??) No developmental language delay
High Functioning Autism (language delay??) Developmental Language Delay
ASD, Asperger's, HF Autism deficits Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Prosody
Ways languages differ Vocab, word order, case marking (grammar), gender, phoneme inventories
More speakers (especially non-native) & more geographically spread out = ? Less complex languages; simpler grammars
Effects of learning 2 languages in children Each language may develop more slowly Initially language mixing Might not realize who they can speak what language to Smaller vocab in each language (but total vocab may be equal or larger)
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