Creado por natfire125
hace alrededor de 11 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Abortion | The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive |
Assisted Suicide | Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide |
Euthanasia | The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease |
Immortality of the Soul | The idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body |
Near-death Experience | When someone about to die has an out of body experience |
Non-voluntary Euthanasia | Ending someone's life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have a good reason for thinking that they would want you to do so |
Paranormal | Unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes (i.e. ghosts, mediums) |
Quality of Life | The idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living |
Reincarnation | The belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body |
Resurrection | The belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised |
Sanctity of Life | The belief that life is holy and belongs to God |
Voluntary Euthanasia | Ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death |
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