Spanish Chapter 1B Overall Vocabulary


Realidades 1 Chapter 1B
Fichas por jtbluedevils, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jtbluedevils hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Artístico(a) Artistic
Atrevido(a) Daring
Bueno(a) Good
Deportista Athletic
Desordenado(a) Messy/Unorganized
estudioso(a) studious
gracioso(a) Funny
Impaciente Impatient
Inteligente Inteligent
Ordenado(a) Organized
Paciente Packing
Perezoso(a) Lazy
Serio(a) Serious
simpático(a) Nice, friendly
Reservado(a) Shy, reserved
Sociable Sociable (Perfect Cognate)
Talentoso(a) Telented
Trabajadora(ora) Hardworking
¿Comó eres...? What are you like?
¿Comó es....? What is he/she like?
¿Comó se llama? What's s/he's name?
¿Eres....? Are you...?
Es He/she is
Le gusta... he/she likes...
No le gusta... He/She doesn't like
(Yo) Soy (I) am
No (yo) soy (I) am not
El amigo Male friend
La amiga Female friend
El chico The boy
La chica The girl
el he
ella she
yo I
A veces Sometimes
muy very
pero but
segun according to
segun mi familia according to my family
Often, what does a word in Spanish mean when it ends in -o The word is masculine
Often, what does a word in Spanish mean when it ends in -a The word is feminine
The masculine definite articles are ____ El, Los
The feminine definite articles are ______ La, Las
The masculine indefinite articles are ____ Un, unos
The feminine definite articles are _____ Una, Unas
What is El and La Translated? Both translate to "The"
What is un and una Translated? A or an ; makes no difference
In what order should your sentences go in? S.V.IA.N.A (Subject, Verb, Indefinite Article, Noun, Adjective)
What does the adjective do? FOLLOW THE NOUN (Blue Jacket - Jacket Blue)
What is an example of a modifier? Where does it fall in S.V.IA.N.A.? Muy ; Between the noun and adjective
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