Booklet 1: Introduction to Germany 1871-1918- The birth of the Weimar Republic 1919


Revision cards on a background of Germany and the birth of the Weimar republic
Beatrice Gray
Fichas por Beatrice Gray, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Beatrice Gray
Creado por Beatrice Gray hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Who was the Kaiser? He was a hereditary monarch (King of Prussia) He had complete power and could dissolve the Reichstag at any time. He abdicated following WWI.
What were Junkers? Rich, aristocratic, land-owning Prussian elite
The stab in the back myth? The belief that Germany had been stabbed in the back by unpatriotic socialists arose after the government signed the Treaty of Versailles
What was the impact of the First World War on Germany? 'Turnip Winter'- over 300,00 died Spending 1/3 budget on war pensions War debt -150bn and reparations 6.6bn Inflation of the mark
Who took over after the Kaiser abdicated? Prince Max von Baden
Who was the first chancellor of the Weimar republic? Friedrich Ebert (Leader of the SPD)
1918: Ebert-Groener Pact The army agreed to support the new Government and to use troops to stabilise their security. Ebert promised to preserve military authority of officers. (they would not be reformed)
1918: Stinnes-Legien agreement Trade unions made a commitment to not interfere with private ownership and free market, in return workers were given an 8hr working day. Ebert endorsed this because they were powerful and linked with the SPD.
1919: Spatacist revolt It was an armed uprising in Berlin in an attempt to overthrow the government and create a soviet republic. It was crushed by the army and freikorps
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