First Aid


Fichas sobre First Aid , creado por emailkarenza el 09/01/2016.
Fichas por emailkarenza, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por emailkarenza hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
difficulty speaking difficulty breathing sometimes difficulty coughing turn pale and blue universal sign choking encourage to continue coughing Heimlich manouvre: "Are you choking?" - cannot speak, breathe or cough go behind, foot in between arms around abdomen 2 fingers above navel make fist, thumb inside bend forward, grasp fist inward, upward thrust
pregnant woman, obese person choking encourage coughing "Are you choking?" go behind, foot between arms under armpits, around chest make fist, thumb inside on breast bone grasp fist backward thrusts
unconcious after choking lay on flat surface AVPU shout for help 30 chest compressions head-tilt chin-lift remove visible foreign objects check breathing, none --> ventilations chest not rising, airway blocked reposition head, try again chest not rising --> still choking 30 compressions repeat
cold skin pale appearance not breathing shallow/ gasping respiration unconcious vomitting wet drowning lie him down with head lower than body drain water from mouth keep him warm call emergency unconscious --> DRSABC
unnaturally fast breathing dizziness attention seeking behaviour trembling or cramps in the hand or feet hyperventilation remove him from cause of distress calm him down let him cover mouth and nose to re-breathe expired air
constriction around neck marks on neck rapid, difficulty breathing, impaired conciousness, cyanosis congestion of the face, prominent veins visible tiny red dots on face or eyes hanging/ strangulation remove constriction conscious? lie him down, supporting head and neck seek medical attention unconscious? CPR
excessive coughing wheezing difficulty speaking distress, anxiety cyanosis asthma calm him help him get inhaler get him to breathe slowly, deeply sit him down comfortably DO NOT LIE HIM DOWN asthma not cleared? take another dose of inhaler medical help if not improved
persistent chest pain/discomfort for 20+ mins breathlessnes nausea dizziness, faintness, profuse sweating pale, bluish skin feeling of severe indigestion heart attack make him comfortable to ease strain on heart, calm him down half sitting position call ambulance 995 help him take chest pain medication monitor vital signs
DRSABC check for danger response AVPU shout for help, 995, AED open airway, head-tilt chin-lift check breathing- look, listen, feel CPR- trace along ribs to lower half breast bone position palm there, interlace fingers straighten, lock elbows compress 5cm+, 1n2n3n4n5n... up to 30n pinch nose, 2 ventilations repeat
dizziness, nausea, vomitting brief or extended period of unconciousness mild, generalised headache confusion, temporary memory loss concussion check response AVPU DRSABC conscious? monitor vital signs advise to seek medical help
diminishing conscious state intense headache noisy breathing, becoming slow unequal pupil size weakness/ paralysis of one side face/body irritable or disoriented cerebral compression call 995 even if conscious monitor vital signs
bleeding on the head laceration on head stiff neck nasal discharge scalp injury stop bleeding - apply direct pressure on injury press gently- skull may be fractured call 995 if skull fractured
warm dry skin rapid breathing excessive thirst frequent urination drowsiness leading to unconciousness hyperglycaemia - high sugar level call 995 DRSABC if needed advise to seek medical help
weakness, faintness, hunger confusion, irrational behavior sweating, cold, clammy skin deteriorating level of response over time hypoglycaemia- low sugar level sit him down give sugary drink or sweets positive response? continue giving and let him rest monitor until recovery no response? 995
Facial weakness- drooping mouth/ eye cannot smile evenly can raise 1 hand only unable to speak clearly blurry vision, confusion severe headache dizziness, unsteadiness or sudden fall STROKE call 995 lie him down, keep comfortable monitor vital signs DO NOT GIVE DRINK / FOOD
pale, cold, clammy skin sweating rapid, shallow breathing grayish blue skin weakness, dizziness nausea, vomiting, thirst SHOCK treat cause of shock (stop bleeding etc.) lie him down protect him from cold raise legs above heart to improve blood supply to vital organs loosen tight clothing monitor vital signs, call 995
brief loss of consciousness pale, cold skin, sweating FAINTING lie him down raise legs higher than heart to improve blood flow to brain ensure plenty of fresh air monitor until recovery
sudden unconsciousness rigid, arching back difficulty breathing convulsive movements saliva appearing on mouth FITS/ EPILEPSY remove dangerous items around cushion underneath head not duration of seizure convulsion ends check airway, breathing DO NOT RESTRAIN PERSON OR GIVE FOOD OR DRINK comfort and reassure him after loosen tight clothing monitor vital signs 995 if seizure 5 mins+, not breathing well after seizure, another seizure occurs, if he asks you to do so
nausea, vomitting abdominal pain seizures irregular, fast or slow heartbeat altered consciousness POISONED ask what he swallowed or eaten calm him down DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING call 995 monitor vital signs unconscious? maintain open airway 995
difficulty breathing hypoxia grey bluish skin INHALED POISON bring to ventilated area call 995 perform CPR if necessary
pain, swelling redness, rash, itch ABSORBED POISON remove contaminated clothing wash affected area with water call 995 perform CPR if necessary
pain, redness and swelling at a part of body blurred vision nausea and vomiting difficulty breathing possible seizures altered consciousness allergy or shock INJECTED POISON remove sting if possible call 995 perform CPR if necessary
dog cat or bites superficial: wash wound cover with clean dressing seek medical help deeper bites: control bleeding- direct pressure cover the wound seek medical attention
insect sting if sting in wound (bee), flick out with card or knife apply a cold compress sting in mouth? give ice to suck/ cold water seek medical help (esp. bee allergy)
scorpion sting and spider bite let him sit or lie down raise affected part apply cold compress 10 mins immobolise injured area monitor vital signs call 995
snake bite identify poisonous or not lie him down with head + shoulders raised advise to not move to prevent spread of venom call 995 apply pressure bandage ABOVE bite continue with another pressure bandage extended far up the limb do not elevate limb immobolise limb with broad bandage monitor for breathing difficulty
stings from marine creatures let him sit or lie down pour vinegar or sea water to stop venom release monitor for breathing difficulty seek medical help
red, itchy eyes or rash swelling hands/ feet/ face abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea wheezing ALLERGY ask if he has allergy remove cause of allergy help him retrieve medicine if unsure, seek medical help
red, itchy rash red, itchy, watery eyes swelling hands/ feet/ face abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea ANAPHYLATIC SHOCK call 995 check for medication and help to give it to him help him sit up straight for easy breathing monitor vital signs
cut caused by sharp object INCISED WOUND
incision with jagged edges caused by sharp objects that exerted blunt force and split the skin LACERATION
superficial wound top layers of skin scraped off caused by sliding fall or friction burn ABRASION wash with water leave wound exposed to heal faster if itchy, cover with sterile gauze
injury to soft tissue layers and vessels beneath the skin causing internal bleeding BRUISE or CONTUSION use ice pack to lessen pain
skin is pierced with pointed object skin closes around penetrating object external bleeding not severe carry high risk of infection and internal bleeding PUNCTURE WOUND or EMBEDDED OBJECT surround item with gauze, prevent its movement DO NOT REMOVE OBJECT YOURSELF
portion of skin or other tissue partially or completely torn away bleeding is significant e
amputation apply pressure onto injury but not too hard wrap amputated part in clean dry gauze to absorb moisture put wrapped amputated part in plastic bag place bag with wrapped part in another bag of ice ice must not contact with skin patient must reach hospital within 20-30 mins.
bleeding minor external wound wear disposable glove Pressure Elevate
bleeding major external wound wear disposable glove direct Pressure with sterile dressing or clean pad elevate and support injured part above heart lie him down apply first aid for shock if needed secure dressing with a bandage if
major external bleeding with object wear disposable glove direct pressure on either side of object elevate and support injury above heart secure dressing with bandage if bleeding continues, apply another layer call 995
internal bleeding call 995 monitor vital signs
nose bleeding get him to sit tilt his head forward to allow blood to drain ask him to breathe through nose get him to pinch soft part of nose for 10 minutes advise to not speak, swallow or cough release pressure after 10 mins. bleeding stops- clean around nose with water if bleeding continues after a few rounds of pinch and release, call 995
chemical exposure affecting eyes DO NOT RUB EYES wash out eye with water call 995 bandage eye
blow to the eye apply cold compress, no pressure if there is bruising, bleeding, change in vision, pain call 995
foreign particle in eye DO NOT RUB EYES try not to blink repeatedly rinse with eye wash if rinsing fails, close eyes bandage LIGHTLY see doctor
symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries Pain Limitation of movement Abnormality Swelling Tenderness, very soft skin Infection Crepitus - bone overlap Shock PLASTIC
severe pain swelling and bruising around affected joint deformity DISLOCATION Gloves Padding Sling Support/ Immobolise Consult
pain and tenderness difficulty in moving injured part swelling and bruising SPRAIN OR STRAIN raise icepack compress 24-48 hrs elevate
Cramps gently stretch contracted muscles straighten knee and pull the foot up towards the skin can drink water
changes in conscious state severe pain or pressure in the head, neck or back extreme tingling or loss of sensation profuse external bleeding of head, neck or back partial or full loss of movement of body parts impaired breathing SPINAL INJURY do not move him unless have spinal board 995 put padding on lower back and behind neck
dislocation or fracture Gloves Padding Sling Support Consult
types of sling 1. dislocation of shoulder 2. upper arm fracture 3. lower arm fracture 4. collarbone fracture 5. finger fracture 6. elbow fracture 1. open arm sling, 1 broad immobile 2. open arm sling, 1 broad immobile 3. open arm sling, 1 broad immobile, use padding if available 4. elevation sling with 1 broad 5. elevation sling, 1 broad, padding 6. large arm, 1 broad (able to bend) unable to bend- 3 broad immobile
full thickness burns calm him down, let him sit or lie down prevent burnt area from touching ground call 995 remove constrictors, smoldering clothing before swelling occurs cover with cling film or sterile dressing treat for shock if needed monitor vital signs
superficial or partial thickness burn cool burnt area with tepid water until pain relieved remove constrictors or clothing before swelling cover burn with cling film or sterile dressing consult
electrical burn ensure contact with electrical source is broken before touching him look for entry/exit wound and cover with sterile dressing cardiac arrest? CPR
chemical burn ventilate area if in contact with skin, flood area with water for 20 minutes remove contaminated clothing also seek medical help
muscle cramp excessive sweating HEAT CRAMP sit in cool place give water seek medical help
fatigue, weakness, excessive sweating nausea, dizziness rapid, shallow breathing HEAT EXHAUSTION lie in cool place elevate legs give plenty of water monitor vital signs get medical help
restlessness, confusion dizziness, discomfort hot, flushed dry skin body temp above 40 degrees C HEAT STROKE DRSABC call 995 cool rapidly with water
pins-and-needles sensation paleness, numbness hardening and stiffening of skin colour change to skin- black indicate gangrene FROSTBITE warm affected area SLOWLY 995 do not rub or break blister
shivering, cold pale, dry skin disorientation lethargy, impaired consciousness shallow, slow breathing HYPOTHERMIA prevent him from losing more heat re-warm SLOWLY call medical help if needed
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