Proteins and Enzymes Key words


Key words and definitions of some of the key words in the proteins and enzymes topic.
Fichas por c.lee4737, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por c.lee4737 hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Alpha Helix A common type of secondary structure in a polypeptide chain
Amino Acids Molecules that make up proteins, containing atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
Amylase An enzyme that hydrolyses starch into maltose
Catalse An enzyme that catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen
Catalyst Substances added to chemical reactions to alter the speed of the reaction
Competitive Inhibitors Molecules that bind to the active site in an enzyme but no reaction takes place
Condensation Reaction A reaction in which two compounds are joined together by removing the elements of a water molecule
Covalent Bonds Very strong bonds formed when two atoms share electrons with each other
Denatured Describing an enzyme that has been inactivated when hydrogen bonds are broken through heating
Dipeptide A molecule made up of two amino acid molecules joined by a condensation reaction
Endopeptidase An enzyme that breaks peptide bonds
Enzymes Catalysts (usually proteins) produced by cells, which control the rate of chemical reactions in cells
Enzyme - Substrate Complex The combination of an enzyme and a substrate
Fibrous Proteins Proteins that form long, thin molecules
Globular Protein A protein that forms a ball shaped molecule
Hydrogen Bonds Weak chemical bonds involving hydrogen atoms
Hydrolysis Reactions in which compounds are broken down by reacting with water
Induced - Fit Model A type of enzyme action in which the substrate binds to the active site of the protein
Lipase An enzyme in the pancreas that catalyses the breakdown of fats
Non - Competitive Inhibitors Molecules that inhibit enzyme reactions by altering the shape of the enzyme molecule
Optimum Temperature The temperature at which enzymes work fastest
Peptide Bond A bond between two amino acids
Polypeptides Long chains of amino acids
Primary Structure The unique sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide
Protein A molecule made up of long chains of amino acids
Quaternary Structure The structure of proteins that contain more than one polypeptide chain
Substrate The molecule that allows an enzyme to react
Tertiary Structure The 3D shape of a polypeptide molecule
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