Architect's Decisions Based on Design Concept

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Why do owners and builders rely on architect's decisions? Construction Contracts include an assemblage of documents drafted with precision, that delineate complex physical structures and operations while specifications accurately describe particular procedures and specific materials. The agreements that exactly specify the contract time to the day and dollar sum, and the General Conditions is a collection of highly coordinated contract conditions. With all this precision owners and contractors routinely agree to abide by the architects decisions.
How are the architect's decisions regarding design concept limited? Vague expressions within the to reasonably infer what is meant and intended in the Contract Documents.
Who can overrule an architect's "binding decision" and under what circumstances? An impartial Arbitrator if the architect is not scrupulously fair in making such decisions.
What gives the architect authority to reject defective or unsatisfactory work? Must be found and defined in the Construction Contract Documents
By what standards is a contractor's work judged? Requirements as specified in the Contract Documents. Such as ASTM specifications, industry standards, building codes and other published standards.
What is "consequential damage" and who is responsible? When construction error results in damage to other parts of the building or to its contents. It is charged to the Contractor.
Explain "substantial performance", "minor changes", and "clarifications". Substantial Performance: when a contractor in good faith makes an honest mistake of using a wrong material that is as good or almost as good as what was specified. A credit is applied to the benefit of the owner. Minor Changes: Minor adjustments or refinements to the construction of the Work. Clarifications: Interpretation by the Architect for example When the field conditions might not be what the architect expected and adaptations need to be made, or Contractor questions answered.
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Preventing Time and Delay Disputes in Construction Contracts
Professional Standard of Care
Designing a Program to Budget
The Architect's Relationship with Subcontractors
Owner's and Contractor's Legal Claims Against Architects
Resolution of Construction Disputes
Written Communications
Closing Out the Job
Role of the Superintendent
Graphic Communication
Termination of the Construction Contract