violent crimes


these cards will explain all the violent crimes and their punishment
Fichas por kenilmodi123, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por kenilmodi123 hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
First-degree murder Killing a person that is planned and deliberate, or that is relating to other crimes (e.g hijacking a plane, as a result someone dies)
Second-degree murder Intentional homicide that does not meet the conditions of first degree murder
Causation The fact in being a producer of an effect resulting in someone's death
manslaughter causing the death of a human, directly or indirectly by means of an unlawful act (e.g. a person is speeding and loses control of her car.... ends up killing someone)
Murder to Manslaughter people who are charged with murder can be convicted of manslaughter, either by PROVACATION- must be something a reasonable person would lose control over INTOXICATION- causes a persons state of mind during the crime to be questioned. CANT BE SELF INDUCED
Infanticide The killing of a newborn child by his or her mother MAX-5 years
Suicide or Euthanasia Suicide- attempting to kill oneself (used to be legal) Euthanasia-mercy killing, acting to end someone's life as an act of mercy. Usually with people with chronic illnesses
Assault-1st level (three levels)) the threat of or actual physical contact between people (eg. attempting or making threats with gestures) (Imitating someone by carrying or concealing a weapon)
assault causes bodily harm assault that interferes or harms the victim in anyway(mental or physically)
aggravated assault assault that wounds, dismembers or endangers the life of the victim
Sexual assault (three levels) parallel with assault
Procure to obtain a person for prostitution it is illegal to procure a person under the age of 18 for the purpose of engaging in any sexual activity
Abduction forcible removal of an unmarried person under the age of 16 from the care of a parent, guardian, or any other person who has lawful care of the child
Enticing when a custodial parent refuses to give access to the child , according to the term, or a non custodial parent runs away with the child during time of access
Robbery Is theft involving violence, assault or the use of offensive weapons
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