Refrigeration & AC


Fichas sobre Refrigeration & AC, creado por Kiel Naylon el 05/02/2016.
Kiel Naylon
Fichas por Kiel Naylon, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kiel Naylon
Creado por Kiel Naylon hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
When repairing a refrigeration system, a swaging tool set would be used to carry out which of the following operations? Swaging tools can be used to expand an end of one tube to fit onto a tube of the same original outside diameter.
In a refrigeration system that is not protected by a water failure switch, if the cooling water to the condenser fails, what will be the result for protective purposes? the compressor will shut down by the action of the high-pressure cutout switch
When the relief valve opens on a refrigeration compressor discharge line, it discharges high-pressure refrigerant vapor to what location? suction side of the compressor
The rupture disc on a low-pressure centrifugal refrigeration unit is used as an overpressure protection device and is set to relieve at 15 psig and is most likely to lift when the compressor is idle. Where is the rupture disc located? on top of chiller evaporator shell
During the initial cooling down of a box temperature in a refrigeration system, which of the devices listed is used to prevent excessive gas pressure at the compressor suction for the purpose of prevention of overloading of the compressor driver? Crankcase pressure regulator
A reheater in an air conditioning system performs what function? restores the conditioned air temperature to a comfortable level
What is one benefit of maintenance of proper air circulation in an air conditioned cargo space? reduced slime and mold
In a two stage centrifugal air conditioning system, the liquid refrigerant passes through the condenser directly to what component? economizer
In an air conditioning system, what is the name of the chamber where the duct-work originates? plenum chamber
In general, the thermal bulb for a thermal expansion valve used in a reciprocating air conditioning system is usually charged with what substance? the same refrigerant as the system
Sea water or low temperature central fresh water is typically provided to a ship's stores refrigeration plant for what purpose? condense the refrigerant gas
Zinc plates commonly found in refrigeration systems and used as sacrificial anodes are located where? salt water side of the condenser
Vapor bubbles present in the liquid upon arrival to the thermal expansion valve in a refrigeration system may cause erosion of the expansion valve's needle and seat. This, in turn, could cause what condition? TXV hunting
Moisture entering a typical refrigeration system will most likely produce what effect? freeze in the expansion valve
A small obstruction at the thermostatic expansion valve inlet will result in which of the following conditions? Lower than normal suction pressure.
An obstructed expansion valve may be indicated by an incompletely cooled evaporator and what other symptom? frosting at the evaporator inlet
If the superheat value of the thermostatic expansion valve is adjusted too high, what would be the result? the suction line of the compressor will be abnormally warm
If the superheat setting of a thermostatic expansion valve is set too low, what would be the result, assuming that the system has a single evaporator? the suction line will be abnormally cold and liquid may flood back to the compressor
How should small appliances with less than three pounds of refrigerant be charged with refrigerant? vapor charged
Before charging a refrigeration unit, unless quick disconnect fittings are used, the refrigerant charging hoses should be prepared in what way? they should be purged with refrigerant
Concerning the charging of refrigerant into a vapor compression refrigerating system, which of the following is true? when charging as a liquid it should be to the high side only
Within the territorial limits of the United States, violations of the Clean Air Act of 1990, that includes the intentional release of R-11, R-12, R-22 and other related class I or class II substances may result in fines for each violation per day of what amount? $25,000
All shipboard personnel responsible for the maintenance and repair of air conditioning systems using refrigerants covered under the EPA Clean Air Act venting prohibition, must be certified through an approved Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program to do which of the following? before performing maintenance, service or repair that could reasonably be expected to release Class 1 or Class 2 refrigerants into the atmosphere
Persons recovering refrigerant from small appliances must be certified as what type of technician under the EPA Clean Air Act rules? Type I or Universal technician
What would be an example of a small appliance as defined in the EPA Clean Air Act rules? a hermetically sealed water cooler with a 2 lb. refrigerant charge
If you find the pressure of a refrigeration system containing a Class I or Class II refrigerant to be opened for the accomplishment of repairs is 0 psig, what must be done? do not attempt to recover any refrigerant and repair the leak before pulling a vacuum on the system
Excessively tight drive belts installed between a motor and a refrigeration compressor pulley may cause what condition? premature wear of both the pulley end motor shaft bearing and the pulley end compressor crankshaft main bearing due to overloading
When installing a mechanical shaft seal on a refrigeration compressor, extreme care must be taken to prevent what from happening? dirt and foreign particles from coming in contact with the highly polished sealing surfaces
If the discharge reed valves used in a refrigeration compressor are leaking badly, what statement is true? the reed valves should be replaced
When one belt of a multiple V-belt drive requires replacing, what will be required? replace the entire belt set
In addition to the drive belt itself, a V-belt that is tensioned too tight will cause excessive wear to what other drive component? motor shaft and compressor main bearings
On a modern refrigerated container unit employing suction modulation for the purposes of capacity control and capacity limitation, what happens when the applied voltage and current draw associated with the normally open (NO) suction modulation valve located in the suction line both increase? the valve will further close, raising evaporator pressure and lowering suction pressure
To prevent motor overload during start-up of a hermetically sealed centrifugal refrigeration system, what is true concerning the compressor suction gas variable inlet guide vanes? closed until the motor is connected across the line at full voltage and current drawn is below full load current
A refrigeration compressor used in a multi-box refrigeration system is designed with six of its eight cylinders able to be controlled for variable load conditions. If all of the reefer boxes are currently feeding, what percentage of the total number of compressor cylinders will be loaded after start up? 100%
During operating periods of a multi-box refrigeration system using a capacity controlled compressor, when all of the evaporators of a four box plant are actively being fed with liquid refrigerant, the control oil pressure acting on the hydraulic relay piston will be at what value? the highest
Capacity control of a centrifugal refrigeration compressor can be accomplished by what means? all of the above
Why is a purge recovery unit typically fitted on low-pressure centrifugal chillers? such a chiller can operate at a pressure below atmospheric pressure on the low side thus drawing in air through any low side leaks
Minor repairs may be performed on low-pressure refrigerant systems without recovering the refrigerant charge if the pressure in the system is raised to atmospheric. How may this be accomplished? heat the refrigerant
The most cost-effective method of recovering refrigerant from a low-pressure chiller with more than 500 lbs. of refrigerant and to meet EPA requirements is to recover the refrigerant using what protocol? liquid recovery using a liquid pump, followed by vapor recovery using a vacuum pump based recovery unit
An arrow stamped on the valve body of a water regulating valve indicates which of the following? direction of the flow
In addition to pressure, most compound and standard pressure gauges used for refrigeration service are also provided with a scale indicating what parameter? saturated refrigerant temperature
In a large refrigeration system having more than one evaporator, a king solenoid valve should be installed in what location? just after the receiver
Refrigeration system isolation valves are specially designed with a backseat, as well as a front seat. For what purpose are these valves designed in this way? permit repacking the valve stem under pressure without shutting down
The receiver used in a refrigeration system performs what essential function? holds the entire refrigerant charge after system pump down
Hard drawn copper tubing is commonly used in larger refrigeration systems. What statement concerning its use is true? Hard drawn copper tubing is not easily flared, bent, or swaged, so brazed fittings are commonly used.
In a refrigeration plant, what is one vital purpose of the receiver? store the refrigerant charge
In a refrigeration system, from what location would air and non-condensable gases be removed? the top of the condenser purge connection
Loss of refrigerant during the process of purging of air and non-condensable gases can be kept to a minimum by what action? cracking the purge valve briefly and allowing the refrigerant to re-settle between purges
In a low-pressure centrifugal chiller, what is meant by the term 'high efficiency purge unit?' Those purge units which discharge very little refrigerant with the air being removed.
During normal operation, traditionally, how has most of the refrigerant released to the atmosphere from low-pressure systems? through the purge unit vent
For most multi-box refrigeration systems, the refrigerant sight glass would be located where in the system? after the receiver in the liquid line
A liquid indicator sight glass is useful in determining whether or not a refrigeration system is sufficiently charged. Where is it generally located in the system? high-pressure liquid line
Why are dehydrators usually located in the liquid line of refrigeration systems? prevent icing of the expansion valve
Which of the devices listed will indicate whether or not a refrigeration system's dehydrator continues to be capable of removing moisture from the circulating refrigerant? Liquid line moisture indicating sight glass
The primary purpose of the liquid line strainer used in a refrigeration system is to prevent dirt and scale from entering what system component(s)? thermal expansion valves
Moisture is removed from a refrigeration system by what action? cutting in the dehydrator
Standard filter/driers used in many commercial type refrigeration units may contain what type of substance? activated alumina or silica gel desiccant beads
In a refrigeration system, silica gel is found in what component? dehydrator or combination filter/drier
The safety heads of most large reciprocating compressors used in refrigeration systems are held in place by what means? heavy coil springs
The carbon seal ring of a refrigeration compressor crankshaft mechanical seal is held in position against the stationary ring face by using what device? spring
A device used to hold open the refrigeration compressor suction valve during starting to reduce the compression load is called what? cylinder unloader
Which of the valves listed is normally closed when charging the refrigeration system through the high side? Liquid line king valve
When a refrigeration system is being topped off with a small amount of refrigerant through the low side with the compressor running, what should be done? the refrigerant should be charged into the system as a vapor
For the proper control of the air temperature in an air conditioning system using chilled water circulation, which of the listed conditions should remain constant regardless of load changes? Chilled water system supply temperature.
In an air conditioning system, moisture is removed from the air by what means? cooling coils
A room humidistat initiates the lowering of the humidity of the conditioned supply air to a space, while the actual process is accomplished by what means? lowering the cooling coil temperature and raising the reheater temperature
To prevent the unnecessary loading of an air conditioning system while maintaining the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in an air conditioning system, what should be done? admit only enough fresh outside air to provide proper ventilation
Which of the processes listed would be the most satisfactory method to use to lower the humidity of the air being circulated by an air conditioning system? Cooling the air to a point below dew point, then reheating it.
Which of the following methods is normally used to control the circulated air temperature of an air conditioning system using chilled water circulation? A regulating valve controls the quantity of chilled water flowing in the cooling coils.
When pumping down an air conditioning system to test the low-pressure cutout switch, assuming that the compressor is running, what should be done to initiate the test? close the ‘king’ valve
The compressor used in a water-cooled air conditioning system is short cycling. A service check determines that the suction pressure remains above the normal cut-in point during cycling and that the discharge pressure rapidly builds up to the cut-out point while running and gradually falls to the cut-in point during the off cycle. What is likely the cause? reduction in condenser water flow (scaled condenser)
To add small amounts of refrigerant to the low side of an air conditioning system, the refrigerant should be introduced through a particular valve and in a particular state. What valve and state combination is correct? suction service valve as a vapor
To add refrigerant to the high side of an air conditioning system, you should close the king valve and introduce the refrigerant through what valve in what state? charging valve as a liquid
A reciprocating refrigeration compressor may be tested for leaking discharge valves by stopping the compressor, turning the discharge service valve all the way in, and then turning the compressor over by hand. If the discharge valves are leaking, the compound gage will show pressures which react in which way? rising and falling with each stroke
Leaking suction valves in a refrigeration compressor are indicated by which of the following? higher than normal suction pressure
Unusual noise coming from a refrigeration compressor can be caused by which of the following conditions? all of the above
Which of the listed statements describes the reason why oil foaming occurs when starting a refrigeration compressor? This condition is the result of the sudden low-pressure created in the crankcase at start up causing the release of refrigerant absorbed within the oil.
Refrigeration systems using forced air circulation evaporators have a tendency to cause rapid dehydration of produce in chill boxes. Which of the following will minimize this dehydration? the air is circulated slowly over a large evaporator with a minimum temperature differential
In a refrigeration system, what component is installed directly downstream of the thermal expansion valve? evaporator coil
In a dry-type direct expansion refrigeration evaporator, what is true concerning the evaporator coils? the coils are surrounded on the outside by air
If the evaporator coil horizontal return line of a container refrigeration system is less than 0.875" (2.21 cm) in diameter (considered small); the thermostatic expansion valve sensing bulb should be attached where on the return line? on the upper surface of the line
Which of the installation steps listed is necessary for the proper operation of the thermostatic expansion valve? Clean off oxidation from the surface of the suction line and sensing bulb with fine abrasive cloth or steel wool.
Expansion valve maintenance should include which of the following procedures? All of the above
When replacing a thermostatic expansion valve power element, what is true concerning the thermal bulb? with steel wool or an abrasive cloth remove oxidation on the bulb and suction line
What maintenance may be carried out on a thermostatic expansion valve? The inlet screen may be cleaned.
A thermostatic expansion valve is properly controlling evaporator superheat. Adjusting this valve to lower the evaporator superheat setting will result in which of the following? the evaporator feed will increase
Which statement about calibrating a newly installed thermostatic expansion valve is correct? An accurate thermometer and suction pressure gage are essential to this process.
Which of the following statements describes the accepted method for testing a thermostatic expansion valve? Place the sensing bulb in ice water and then warm by hand. Observe flood-through and temperature change at the suction line.
What is true concerning the accumulation of air and other non-condensable gases in a refrigeration system? collect in the condenser
When a thermostatic expansion valve is installed in a refrigerated container unit, the sensing bulb almost always requires insulation. Why is this so? the insulation prevents air stream temperatures from influencing the bulb temperature
Charging liquid HCFC-123 into a system under a deep vacuum could cause what to happen unless necessary precautions are taken? system secondary refrigerant to freeze
Which of the following statements is correct concerning the testing of an R-22 refrigeration system for leaks in an enclosed compartment with a halide torch? Halide torches are useful in locating very small R-22 leaks.
When using nitrogen to pressure leak test a system, the nitrogen cylinder should always be equipped with what device or feature? pressure regulator
A refrigeration unit will tend to short cycle when operating under what conditions? lack of refrigerant
If a refrigeration system, equipped with a reciprocating compressor, has a liquid-line solenoid valve that is leaking during the 'off' cycle, what would this cause? noisy compressor operation upon starting
Moisture in a refrigeration system can cause which of the following conditions? all of the above
If a refrigeration compressor had developed a slightly high suction pressure accompanied with an abnormally low suction temperature, the problem could be a result of which of the following? liquid refrigerant flooding back from the cooling coil
When a refrigeration compressor motor fails to start, the FIRST thing that should be checked for is what? blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker in the motor circuit
In a low-pressure refrigeration system, excessive running of the purge recovery unit generally indicates which probable condition? system leaks on the low side
If the refrigeration compressor crankcase is sweating or frosting and is operating with an unusual noise, what is most likely the cause? liquid refrigerant returning to the compressor
If a refrigeration system were short of refrigerant, besides an elevated box temperature, what would be an observable symptom? continuous running of the compressor
If a refrigeration compressor were short cycling on the low-pressure cutout switch, what is the most probable cause? the expansion valve strainers were fouled
An excessive charge of refrigerant in a thermostatically controlled, air-cooled, refrigeration system using a TXV as an expansion device can cause which of the following? higher than normal discharge pressure
If a refrigeration compressor using a thermostat as a primary controller is running continuously without significantly lowering the temperature in the refrigerated space, which of the following is most likely the trouble? a shortage of refrigerant
Excessive moisture being collected in the purge unit of a low-pressure refrigeration system could indicate which probable condition? leaking condenser or chiller tubes
An evaporator coil of a single evaporator, air-cooled refrigerator is accumulating excessive frost due to a failure of the defrost mechanism. If the refrigerator features a thermostatically controlled box solenoid and a low-pressure cutout controlled compressor, as well as a high-pressure cutout, in terms of the compressor, what would be the most likely operating symptom? short cycle on low-pressure cutout
During tests to discover why a refrigeration compressor is running continuously, it is determined that the refrigerated space temperature is slightly above normal without ever reaching the desired minimum temperature. Suction and discharge pressures are normal for the corresponding box temperature. In this situation, what should you suspect? leaking door gaskets
In a refrigeration system, the push-pull technique can be used for the recovery of the refrigerant in what state? both liquid and vapor
What is the correct color-coding of refrigerant recovery cylinders regardless of the refrigerant contained within? recovery of the refrigerant
The gas that exists in the stratosphere forming a protective shield that helps to protect the environment from the harmful effects ultraviolet radiation is called what? ozone
Which of the following substances is normally classified as a low-pressure refrigerant? R-123
What is the color-coding for a storage container of R-134a refrigerant? light blue
The "tare weight" of a refrigerant storage cylinder refers to what weight? the weight of an empty cylinder
Alkyl benzene ISO 32 cSt synthetic refrigerant oil is miscible and suitable to use with which of the following refrigerants? R-22
The amount of HCFC-123 in a storage cylinder is measured by what means? weight
Traditionally, which of the listed refrigerants has been more suitable than the others for use in a centrifugal refrigeration compressor? R-11
Which of the fluids listed is suitable for use as a secondary refrigerant? Brine
According to 46 CFR, Part 58, for protection purposes, what is required of all refrigeration systems? pressure relief device
Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR Part 113) require refrigerated spaces that can be locked from the outside and that cannot be opened from the inside to have an audible alarm. Where is the audible alarm required to be? a manned location
With regards to shipboard refrigeration systems, after July 1, 1992, what action became illegal? intentionally venting class I or II refrigerants to the atmosphere
Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR Part 58) require a method for the relieving pressure of an over pressurized refrigeration system. Which of the following statements complies with these Regulations? A rupture disk may be fitted in series with the relief valve.
When opening or closing compressor service and line isolation valves on a typical refrigeration system that is fitted with packed valves, what must you do? you must first remove the stem seal cap
What is the purpose of running a refrigeration compressor in short intermittent spurts or throttling the suction isolation valve when starting the system after a prolonged shutdown? prevent liquid slugging or overloading the compressor
When starting a reciprocating refrigeration compressor that has been shut down for a period of time, you should manually throttle which valve? suction valve
Concerning the operation of refrigeration systems, frosting or sweating of a liquid line is usually indicative of what condition? a liquid line restriction
The surging that occurs in a centrifugal air conditioning compressor is a result of what conditions? low-pressure in the evaporator at low load
In an air conditioning system, low discharge head pressure associated with a reciprocating compressor can be the result of what condition? leaky suction valves
Sludge may form in the crankcase of an air conditioning compressor as a result of what condition? overheating and carbonization of the oil in the crankcase
The pressure in the part of a high-pressure refrigeration system about to be opened for a non-major repair should be brought to what value? 0 psig
What is the maximum volume to which refillable refrigeration cylinders should be filled? 80% full
A box solenoid valve used in a refrigeration system should be installed in what manner? upright, controlled by a thermostat sensing the temperature of the box, and upstream of the thermal expansion valve
The FIRST thing to do to ensure that a refrigeration unit will not start while undergoing repairs is to do what? secure and tag the electrical circuit
Which of the precautions listed should be taken before opening any part of a refrigeration system for the purpose of accomplishing non-major repairs? Bring the part of the system to be opened to 0 psig.
When a refrigeration compressor has developed a high head pressure as a result of a refrigerant overcharge, what should be done to compensate for or to correct this situation? remove some refrigerant from the system
In a refrigeration system, the bulb for the thermal expansion valve is always located where? at the evaporator coil outlet
In a refrigeration system, the pressure within the power element of a thermostatic expansion valve depends directly upon what factor? temperature of the evaporator coil outlet
What is one function of the thermal expansion valve used in a refrigeration system? regulate the amount of refrigerant flow to the evaporator coil
In a vapor compression type refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant temperature decreases the most when passing through which system component? expansion valve
When the sensing bulb of a thermostatic expansion valve is charged with a fluid different from the charge used in the system, what name of the charge is associated with the power element? cross charged
The thermostatic expansion valve in a refrigeration system further opens when the diaphragm flexes downward. With all other conditions being the same, what single condition causes this? an increase in sensing bulb temperature
A typical shipboard domestic multi-box refrigeration system operates with one compressor and condenser. What is the purpose of the sensing line connected to the thermal bulb at the evaporator coil outlet? To transmit the bulb pressure (proportional to the coil temperature) to the thermal expansion valve diaphragm.
Besides the evaporator pressure, the thermal expansion valve reacts directly to changes in what parameter? temperature of the evaporator coil outlet
Constant superheat is maintained at the evaporator coil outlet of a refrigeration system or unit by the action of what device? thermal expansion valve
Concerning the proper installation of the sensing bulb of a thermal expansion valve that is attached to the evaporator tail coil on a horizontal run, what statement is true? the bulb should be attached so that the pinched off tubing should be oriented down and the capillary tube running to the valve diaphragm should be oriented up
In refrigeration systems with multiple evaporators, the metering of refrigerant to each refrigerated space evaporator is accomplished by what device? the individual thermal expansion valves
Which of the conditions listed could cause excessively low refrigerant pressure at the compressor suction of a TXV controlled refrigeration system? The system is low on refrigerant
High suction pressure accompanied by low suction temperature to a refrigeration system compressor is caused by which of the following? the expansion valve being open too wide
Low compressor head pressure in a refrigeration system can be caused by which of the following? excessive condenser cooling water flow
If the running suction pressure at the refrigeration compressor of a TXV controlled air- cooled refrigeration system is below normal, which of the following can be a cause? a restricted liquid-line strainer
In an operating, water-cooled, multi-box refrigeration system, both low discharge and high suction pressures are being simultaneously experienced. The probable cause for this condition is which of the following? discharge relief valve leaking back to the suction side
If increasing the cooling water flow to a refrigeration condenser fails to lower the condenser pressure, the probable cause may be due to what condition? excessive amount of non-condensable gases trapped in the condenser
What is true concerning frost build-up on the evaporator coils of a multi-box direct expansion refrigeration system? the frost can be removed by passing hot gas through the coils or energizing defrost heaters with the evaporator fan shut down
Some 'hot gas' defrost systems reheat the refrigerant just prior to its returning to the compressor for what purpose? to prevent the damaging effects of liquid slugging
What is the physical state and pressure condition of refrigerant as it enters the condenser of a typical refrigeration system? high-pressure vapor
The term 'oil foaming' in refrigeration practice, is used to describe what event? release of miscible refrigerant from the lubricant in the crankcase
What is the pressure and condition of the refrigerant entering the receiver of a refrigeration system? sub cooled high-pressure liquid
What is the physical state and pressure condition of refrigerant as it leaves a receiver in a typical refrigeration system? high-pressure liquid
If passive recovery is used on a small appliance fitted with a capillary tube as a metering device with a non-operating compressor, the recovery should be made through what means? recovery from both the high and low sides
Technicians servicing small refrigeration appliances can employ what type of recovery equipment? either active or passive
Which recovery procedure should be used to minimize the loss of oil from the system during the recovery of refrigerant from small appliances such as a water cooler? vapor recovery
What is true concerning highly contaminated refrigerant recovered from burned out small appliances? The recovered refrigerant should be sent to a designated reclamation facility for processing.
For safe storage, the maximum allowable temperature to which refrigerant bottles should be exposed is what temperature? 125°F
Overfilling a refrigerant container is extremely dangerous because of the high pressures generated. The generation of pressure is the result of what? hydrostatic pressure of the expanding liquid
Personnel servicing refrigeration systems and subject to the exposure to commonly used refrigerants should wear what type of personal protective equipment? goggles and gloves
Why can CFC or HCFC refrigerants leaking into a confined space or in limited surroundings cause suffocation? Refrigerants are heavier than air and displace oxygen.
In the presence of an open flame or hot surfaces, chlorinated fluorocarbon refrigerants decompose and form what chemical substance? phosgene gas
The low-pressure cutout switch settings vary with the refrigerant used and the temperature application. If the low-pressure cutout switch for a particular application is set with a cut- in pressure of 5 psig, what would be the cut-out pressure if the differential is 7.5 psig? 5" Hg
In a multi-evaporator refrigeration system, a solenoid valve is installed in the liquid line prior to what device? each expansion valve
The sensing line for the low-pressure cutout switch for a refrigeration system is typically connected at what location? at the suction side of the compressor
What is the purpose of the low-pressure cut-out switch as used as a primary controller for a refrigeration system or unit? start and stop the compressor as needed
The thermostat controlling the operation of the solenoid valve to a refrigerated box evaporator senses what temperature? the refrigerated box temperature
A box solenoid valve used in a multi-box refrigeration system is operated by electromagnetic action by what control device? box temperature actuated thermostat
Which of the listed operations will cause an automatically controlled refrigeration compressor to restart if the system features a pump down cycle? An increase in the suction pressure
In a refrigeration system featuring low-side pump down prior to the automatic shut down of the compressor, the temperature of the refrigerated space is controlled by the action of a thermostat wired to what device? liquid line box solenoid
How does a refrigeration solenoid valve differ from a modulating valve? A liquid line solenoid valve is either completely opened or closed, whereas a modulation valve is infinitely positioned according to the strength of the applied electrical signal.
A liquid line solenoid valve controls refrigerant flow to the evaporator by what means? fully opening or closing
If a condenser coil of an air-cooled container refrigeration system becomes dirty and requires cleaning, what would be an acceptable method of cleaning? high-pressure water wash
When checking zinc plates or pencil zincs in the refrigerating system condenser, what should you do? replace the zincs if deteriorated by 50%
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