A2 Key Phrases


A-Level (A2 Topics) Communication and Culture Fichas sobre A2 Key Phrases, creado por bexydurston el 15/02/2016.
Fichas por bexydurston, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por bexydurston hace más de 8 años

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Capitalism - An economic and political system in which a country's trade/industry are controlled by private owners for profits - our economy/society now - selling products/services
Left Wing Politics - political positions/activities that accept/support social equality, in opposition to social hierarchy/inequality - Cuba, China, North Korea - Labour party
Right Wing Politics - political positions that view forms of social stratification/inequality as natural/normal - Market-Liberalism - Hitler/Stalin - Conservative party
Market Liberalism (right wing) - the free market. supportive of 'the way things are' - asserts economic benefits of capitalism a free market in conjunction with democracy = best political model for well-being
State Intervention - when the state sets laws about the employment, health and safety and wages - Health and Safety laws - minimum wage
Laws of Supply and Demand - convincing the customer to buy the product and cause huge demand - can demand be created? - Yes
Competition - based on price and quality. Regulates the market by allowing products with higher quality to be successful High-end products vs low-end products
Consumer Sovereignty - market liberals decide which businesses succeed and fail - iPhone = succeed - other smart-phones = didn't succeed - consumer is KING
Globalisation - process of international integration from the interchange of world views International trade
Privatisation - when the government sells off industries to individuals to raise more money for other industries - Gas - Electricity - Water - BT = all private now
Cultural Imperialism - when one culture takes over/whips out other cultures US culture (Western culture)
McDonaldisation (PECC) - Principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate sectors of society ready meals for busy parents
- Predictability - Products, services and décor are the same
- Efficiency - most efficient way of getting from A to B. Customers expect the same level of efficiency numerous rules and regulations for staff to follow
- Calculability - everything is measured and controlled. Workers expected to work fast. Time taken to prepare food
- Control - customers controlled in order to conform to the ideal - 'Eat quickly and leave' limited menu opinions
Disneyfication - critique of Disney based on: - trivialization -sanitization Pocahontas is based on racism but is sanitized for children
Disneyization (THMP) - a critique of Disney Pocahontas is based on racism but is sanitized for children
- Theming - - theme pubs/restaurant -provides service as entertainment theme pubs/restaurants
- Hybrid Consumption - 1)stay longer 2)creation of a destination 3)achieved: -diversity -tactile, interactive shopping, travelling, visiting a zoo
- Merchandising - promotion of good, franchising, co-promotion of items linked by a common theme -Universities -Celebrities -Services (police) -Rock Bands
- Performative Labour - workers are cast members - audition instead of interview audition instead of interview
Karl Marx (wrote largely before modern consumer culture) - predicted collapse of capitalism ever widening gap between rich and poor
Bourgeoisie (Marx) - the ruling class - own all things necessary to produce wealth Government
Proletariat (Marx) - own labour - physically/intellectually skilled Everyone else
Base/Superstructure Model (Marx) - Base: forces/relations of production - employer/employee Superstructure: everything not directly to do with productions
Conflict of Material Interest (Marx) - bourgeoisie's aim is to make as much profit as possible, so it's in their best interests to pay workers as little as possible minimum wage
Alienation of Workers (Marx) - labour is a commodity to be bought and sold so individual workers find themselves in competition for jobs Made in Dagenham
False Consciousness (Marx) - marxists believed we're kept in this state by ideologies. prevents proleteriate from succeeding believing capitalism is a democracy that promotes political freedom
Commodity Fetishism (Marx) - the perception of the social relationships involved in production, economic relationships among the money/commodities exchanged in market trade we think of ourselves as modern, but our approach to commodities is the same as others.
Bernays - advertising based on subconscious desires smoking ad in the 1920's for women: 'Torches for freedom'
Conspicuous Consumption (Veblen) - the spending of money on and acquiring of luxury goods/services to publicity display economic power flaunting the fact that they don't have to work for a living
Social Emulation (Veblen) - the idea that whenever individuals by cultural products conspicuously, in order to emulate their superiors Kate Middleton - wears a high street dress and next day its sold out
Elitism - the belief/attitude that some individuals who form an elite group of people with a certain quality/worth Made in Chelsea
F R Leavis - Influential British lieracy critic dislike low brow taste
Raymond Williams - Welsh academic, novelist and critic contribution to the Marxist critique of culture and the arts
RSA (Althusser) - Repressive State Apparatus used to suppress and dominate working class
ISA (Althusser) - Ideological state apparatus belong to private domain - churches and schools
Interpellation (Althusser) - hailed into identities by adverts that surround us 'I like blue' it's been presented to you, you choose to accept it
Hegemony (Gramsci) - the predominant influence, as of a state, region, or group, over another or others Ancient Greece under the hegemony of Thebes (371-362 BC)
Popular Culture = Brainwashing (Frankfurt School) - the dissemination of the ruling class ideologies pop music, TV and Jazz
Incorporation (Frankfurt School) - making something part of a whole. Can also refer to making a company a legal corporation the 'Inc.' at the end of the name o
False needs (Marcuse) - a failure to recognise the instruments of ones oppression member of an oppressed class unwittingly adopt views of the oppressors class
Standardisation (Adorno) - formularic/similar products - pop music - film plots are always the same
Pseudo-Individualisation (Adorno) - identical differences make products seem distinctive, but they're not iPhone 4/iPhone 4s
High Brow Taste (Bourdieu) - Belongs to the middle/higher class art, literature, pronunciation matters
Low Brow Taste (Bourdieu) - Working class Soap Operas
Habitus (Bourdieu) - the way you've been brought up sticking to tastes you've been brought up with
Consumerism - social and economic order that encouraged the acquisition of goods/services shopping
Fiske - consumer sovereignty - positive view on consumerism as empowering individuals - savvy consumer - high budget movies that fail
Planned Obsolescence - a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing Early light bulbs
Organised Creation of Dissatisfaction - 'the key to economic prosperity is the OCD if everyone was satisfied no one would buy anything car companies creating new models to keep customers buying
Brand Identity - how a business wants to be perceived by consumers - Logo's/Products - Coca-Cola/Pepsi
Celebrity Endorsement - a form of advertising that commands a high degree of recognition, trust and respect among people Beyoncé = pepsi David Beckham = H&M
Thingification (Lash and Lury) the fact or process of turning something into a thing
Cathedrals of Consumption - commercial displays meant to awe/inspire shopping centres/sports stadiums
Feminism (general) - any discrimination or stereotyping of women can be described in terms of feminism 1st, 2nd and 3rd wave feminism
Simone de Beauvoir ("one is not born a woman, but becomes one") - Having to prove you are a woman, not a girl puberty/cleaning/cooking
Simone de Beauvoir ("he is the subject, he is the absolute - she is the other") he is to be listened to and obeyed
Naomi Wolf - the Beauty Myth a book written by Naomi Wolf she said that beauty is a currency, 'like a gold standard'
Laura Mulvey - Scopophilia - deriving pleasure from looking James Bond films
Laura Mulvey - the male gaze - occurs when the audience views from the perspective of a heterosexual man focusing on women's curves
Germaine Greer - "status ought not to be measured by a woman's ability to attract and snare a man" If a woman can attract a man - surely she is more powerful?
Germaine Greere - "the housewife is an unpaid worker in her husband's house" Housewifes work in the house they live in - in order to stay in that house they must clean in
Post-Modernism - Fragmentation - fragmented society non-linear narrative post-modern film/books
Cultural value - some practises are better than others? Shakespeare vs Big Brother
Postmodern identity - unchanging fragmented
Style over Substance appearance is important
Postmodern Irony - meant to be cynically mocked sharknado...
Pastiche/Parody - copy of something intended to be a tribute Kill Bill movie
Bricolage - smashing something together - collage Mona Lisa with a moustache
Post-Modernism (Baudrillard) - Hyperreality - unable to depict what's real and not real pop stars/second hand representations/pictures
Post-Modernism (Lyotard rejects metanarratives) - grand narratives/universal truths (use to disagree with any theory) Darwins' evolution of life
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A2 Communication and Culture theories
Criminal Attempts
Queer Theory
Post Colonialism
Mode of Address
Market Liberalism