Research Methods


Fichas sobre Research Methods, creado por Fernando Coronad el 16/02/2016.
Fernando Coronad
Fichas por Fernando Coronad, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fernando Coronad
Creado por Fernando Coronad hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
construct validity are we measuring what we think we are measuring? does the operational definition reflect the conceptual definition
external validity questions is a sample representative of the population of interest? will the results be generalizable?
definition of external validity external validity mean that you can generalize the results of your research to other people places and times
types of external validity population validity -do I resolve generalized to other people ecological validity -to our results generalize to other places and times
internal validity has there been adequate control over any extraneous variables? can causality be asserted in drawing conclusions?
how do you improve external validity 1 identifying your population of interest 2 use random sampling 3 study enough participants
internal validity definition deals with cause and effect relationships takes out compounds X causes change in Y
temporal precedence X (cause) precedes Y (effect)
covariation changes in X are related to changes in Y
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Research Methods
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