Final Review #11-20


Fichas por jackie.lilj, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jackie.lilj hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
In order to finance the war, what did the new state governments relied on? Why? They relied on paper money because funds that officials would provide ran out and states were too afraid to raise taxes. Pg176
What effect does the increase of paper currency in circulation have during the years? INFLATION pg176
Why did the Shay's rebellion take place? Where did it take place and what effect did the rebellion have on government? Shay rebellion took place because creditors and speculators demanded the state governments to redeem the bonds but the legislator refused. Plus, lawmakers refused to enact debtor relief legislation causing farmers to fall in debt. Farmers were threathened and went to prison due to the debts they couldn't pay off. Farmers began to rebel in Masachuttes and were led by Daniel Shay. The rebellion failed. Massachuttes voters threw the governor out of office, and debtridden farmers in New York, northern Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New Hampshire closed courthoiuses and forced their governments to provide economic relief. Pg 191
What is the three-fifths compromise? Each slave would count as three-fifths of a free person for purposes of representation and taxtaxation Pg198
Who wrote the following qoute, "These are the times that try men's souls."? Thomas Paine in The American Crisis
Who were the camp followers? What did they do for the American troops during the war? They were women who helped supply the soldiers.Usually, the wives and daughters of the soldiers. Pg174
Who were the antifederalists? What was their position on the ratification of the constitution? The antifederalists are the opponents of the constitution. Some antifederalists were Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and John Adams. Pg198
What led to the Whiskey rebellion? What was the result of the Whiskey rebellion? The excise tax on spirits (whisky) led to the rebellion. "To deter popular rebellion and uphold national authority, washington raised an army of 12, 000 troops and dispereed the Whiskey rebels." Pg208
What was Jay Treaty of 1795? The Treaty required the British troops and Indian agents to be removed from Northwest territory, established America's claim for damages from British ship seizures, and provided America a limited right to trade in the West Indies. Pg210
The Naturalization, Alien, and Sedition Acts were created by whom and what were these acts? What effect did the acts have on the public and the government? Naturalization Act: lengthened the residency requirement for American citizanship from five to fourteen years. Alien Act: authorized the deportation of foreigners. Sedition Act: Prohibited the publication of insults or malicious attacks on the President or members of congress. Pg211
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