Behavioural Approach


(Abnormality) Psychology Fichas sobre Behavioural Approach, creado por smita089 el 14/04/2013.
Fichas por smita089, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por smita089 hace casi 12 años

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Pregunta Respuesta
Explain the behavioural approach to abnormality. Only Behaviour is Important: Focuses only on behaviours; the observable responses a person makes to the environment. Examples - OCD might be displayed by compulsive behaviours such as constant hand washing. Someone with a phobia may display extreme anxiety in presence of phobic object. Abnormal Behaviours are Learned: Operant Conditioning - Psychological disorder might be produced when a maladaptive behaviour (such as panic attacks) lead to the desired increased attention. Social Learning Theory - Abnormal behaviours may be acquired by seeing others rewarded for the same behaviours. Learning Environments: Environments in which behaviours are learned may reinforce maladaptive behaviours. Examples - Those with depression, depressive behaviours may elicit help from others. For an individual with agoraphobia, not leaving home lowers anxiety.
Evaluate the behavioural approach to abnormality. Limitations: Symptoms not cause - Therapies only treat symptoms not the cause. Cause can resurface, often in a different form. Counter evidence - Struggles explain why people with phobias cannot recall an incident in their past which led to traumatic conditioning. Limited view - Limited view of factors which cause abnormality. Ignore role of physiological and cognitive factors.
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