Research Methods


AS (PSYA1) Psychology Fichas sobre Research Methods, creado por erica28 el 04/01/2014.
Fichas por erica28, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por erica28 hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Lab Experiment - manipulate the IV, measure the DV! Advantages - High control, replication Disadvantages - Low ecological validity, Demand Characteristics
Field Experiment - manipulate the IV, measure the DV! Advantages - high ecological validity, no demand characteristics Disadvantages - less control, ethics of informed consent
Natural Experiment - don't control the IV, measure the DV! Advantages - high ecological validity, possible to study unethical issues Disadvantages - rare events, more confounding variables
Naturalistic Observation Advantages - Ecological validity, theory development Disadvantages - observer bias, extraneous variables
Correlations Advantage - quick and easy to conduct, can look at things you cannot manipulate Disadvantages - No cause and effect, interpretation is difficult and other facts could have led to data
Questionaires Advantages - quick way of collecting lots of data, collect both types of data Disadvantages - biased samples, may not tell the truth
Interviews - qualitive data - structed, semi-structed, unstructed Advantages - rich-in-depth data, good way to start research Disadvantage - No causal relationship can be established, subjective interpretation of data could lead to bais
Case Studies - in depth research about one person eg genie Advantages - rich-in-depth data, unique cases Disadvantage - cannot generalise results to a large target population, subject interpretation of data could leas to bias
Content Analysis - analysing something that already exists Advantage - quick way to analysis a lot of data, gains information in things that could be socially sensitive Disadvantage - No caused and effect can be inferred, subjective interpretation required by researcher could be lead to bias
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