

Ecosystems. Biology 1 ESO.
Fichas por gomezolvega007, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por gomezolvega007 hace más de 8 años

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Ecosystems and their components Biosphere: All living things on Earth and places where they live. Troposphere, hydrosphere and upper part of geosphere. Ecosystem: Section of the biosphere formed by living things, phisical environment and the relationship. Ecology: Science that studies ecosystems.
Components of an ecosystem The relationship between living things and the environment - Biotope: Temperature, precipitation, wind - Community or biocenosis: Animal, plants and other living things.
Factors of an ecosystem Components of biotope and biocenosis that affect the development of living things. - Abiotic factors: Climatic, phisical and chemical. Tolerance ranges. - Biotic factors
The organization of living things in an ecosystem Population: organisms from the same species: - Family populations - Colonial populations - Gregarious populations - State populations Community: a population interacts with other population
Relationships between living things - Intraspecific: between individuals of the same species. * Competition * Cooperation - Interspecific: between individuals of different species.
Interspecific relationships * Competition Predation * Parasitism * Mutualism * Symbiosis * Commensalism * Inquilism
Material and energy flow in ecosystems
Trophic levels * Producers * Consumers * Decomposers
Representantions of the transit of matter and energy - Trophic chain _ Trophic network - Trophic pyramids: * Energy pyramid * Biomass pyramid * Number pyramid
How Living Things adapt to the environment Adaptation refers to the adjustements which species make over million of years of evolution in order to manage their relationship with the environment.
Adaptation to temperature - Fur and fat - Only active at night - Migration - Plants close to the ground - Lose their leaves - Traspiration
Adaptation to humidity - Fat stored - Exoskeleton - Store water
Adaptation to light - Eyes are adapted - Large leaves - Flowering or shedding regulated by the changing number of hours of sunlight.
Types of ecosystem Group formed by the biotipe, the biocenosis and the relationships between them. - Terrestrial and aquatic.
The biggest terrestrial ecosystem: biomes A biome is a set of terrestrial ecosystems that, due to sharing similar climatic conditions, have a similar biocenosis
Spanish terrestrial ecosystems: Atlantic forests Northern areas of Spain: Abundant precipitation and mild temperatures. Deciduous species
Mediterranean or sclerophyllous forests Long hot periods and droughts. Perennial leaves, hard and small. Grasslands: Mediterranean forests modify by human activity. Middle, east and southwest of the Iberian Peninsula.. Mediterranean shrubs: Maquis and garriga.
Aquatic ecosystems - Marine ecosystems: Coastal and oceanic. Organisms: Bentic or pelagic ( nektonic or planktonic) - Inland water ecosystems: Calm water and Flowing water
The soil as an ecosystem The soil is the outermost layer of the Earth's surface, and consists of loose materials. Layers or horizons: 0 horizon, A horizon, B horizon, C horizon, R horizon. Damage or deterioration: deforestation and overexploitation.
Humans and ecosystems Equilibrium when: - Environmental conditions are settled. - Its component interact. - Population remain stable. Sustainable development uses the natural resources
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