Workplace Stress


(Stress) Psychology Fichas sobre Workplace Stress, creado por smita089 el 16/04/2013.
Fichas por smita089, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por smita089 hace más de 11 años

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Pregunta Respuesta
What is the job strain model? States that workplace causes stress and therefore illness due to high workload & low job control.
What is the AMRC of one piece of research into workplace stress? Marmot et al (1997): A- To investigate the job strain model. M- 7372 civil servants in London were assessed on these factors and checked for signs of cardiovascular disease. They were then checked after 5 years. R- No link between workload and stress illness. People who had reported low job control were more likely to have developed heart disease. C- Low levels of job control is a factor associated with stress related illness. Johansson et al (1978): A- To investigate the effects of performing repetitive jobs which require constant attention and some responsibility. M- Measured the stress of Swedish sawyers using self-report techniques (of feelings and caffeine use) and also regular urine samples. R- Those responsible for sawing had higher levels of stress and adrenaline than those responsible for maintenance. C- Performing repetitive jobs that require constant attention and responsibility cause more stress.
What is role conflict? When experiences at work interfere with life outside of work.
Explain a piece of research into role conflict. Pomaki et al (2007) - higher levels absenteeism, lower levels performance & poorer physical & mental health for those experiencing role conflict.
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