General Veterinary Terminology


101 Intro to Veterninary Terminology Fichas sobre General Veterinary Terminology, creado por gabrielle.bentle el 09/03/2016.
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Abrasion Irritation of the skin or mucous membrane.
ANemia Red blood cell deficiency.
Anesthetic Relating to anesthesia; an anesthetic agent, to cause a loss of feeling.
Antibiotic Substance that destroys disease causing bacteria.
Antibody Substance formed by body to counteract antigens.
Anticoagulant Substance that hinders blood clotting.
Antigen Substance that stimulates the body's immune system.
Antiseptic Clean; preventing growth of microorganisms.
Antivenin Substance that counteracts the toxicity of venom.
Apnea Periodic cessation of breathing.
Arthritis Joint inflammation.
Artificial Respiration Rhythmic forcing of air into lungs that have stopped breathing.
Aseptic Technique Procedure for preventing infection.
Atrophic Rhinitis The wasting away of mucous membranes or glands.
Avulsion Detachment or tearing away of a body part.
Bacteria Microscopic plants, often parasitic and disease-causing.
Biopsy Removal and examination of tissue for diagnosis.
Brucellosis An infection caused by brucella bacteria.
Canine Distemper Viral disease of dogs, marked by fever and respiratory problems.
Canine Parvovirus Virus that causes a deadly disease in dogs.
Cardiomyopathy Chronic disorder of the heart; common in dogs.
Catheterization Introduction of a catheter into of a body part.
Colic Acute abdominal pain; common in horses.
Coagulant Agent that produces blood clotting.
Coma State of deep unconsciousness.
Compress Folded cloth or pad applied to press on a body part.
Constipation Infrequent, difficult passage of dry feces.
Convulsion Uncontrolled, violent muscle contraction.
Cortisone Anti-inflammatory hormone.
Cropping Cosmetic surgical removal of large portion of dog's ears.
Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder.
Diabetes Insipidus Diabetic condition caused by pituitary glands.
Diabetes Mellitus Diabetic condition caused by an inadequate supply of insulin.
Disinfectant Agent that destroys infection.
Dissociative Agent Anesthetic that chemically dissociates (separates out) perceptions of pain.
Docking Cosmetic surgical removal of a portion of a dog's tail.
Dyspnea Difficulty breathing.
Emesis Regurgitation (vomiting)
Endotracheal Intubation Placement of a tube through the trachea.
Enema Injection of liquid through the anus to empty the intestine.
Endogenous Originating from within the organism.
Enzootic Pneumonia Infection of the lungs found in specific kinds of animals.
Epiphysis Part of the bone where growth occurs; often breakage site in young animals.
Euthanasia Merciful, painless killing of an injured or ill animal.
Exogenous Originating from outside the organism.
External Occurring on the outside.
Feline Panleukopenia Viral leukemia of cats, usually fatal.
Feline Infectious Infectious inflammation of the peritoneum of cats peritonitis.
Feline Urolithiasis Condition in cats; caused by mineral deposits in the urinary tract.
Fracture Break in bone; rupture.
Gastroenteritis Inflammation of the membrane lining the stomach and intestines.
Halitosis Bad breath.
Heimlich Maneuver Procedure to remove obstruction from the windpipe of a choking victim.
Hematocrit Laboratory procedure to determine the percentage of red blood cells in the blood.
Hemophilia Condition of delayed blood clotting.
Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver.
Herpes Virus Inflammatory virus that reproduces in the cell's nucleus.
Hydrothorax Excess fluid in the lining of the lungs.
Hyperthyroidism Excessive function of the thyroid gland.
Hypertrophy Exaggerated growth.
Hypnotic Trance-like state produced without drugs, or a drug that causes a hypnotic state.
Hypothyroidism Deficient activity of the thyroid gland.
Immunity Ability to resist disease.
Incision Cut made into the body.
Inhalant Medication breathed in.
Internal Occurring on the inside.
Laceration Wound produced by tearing, as opposed to cutting, of body tissue.
Leptospirosis Infectious canine disease; part of routine vaccination.
Lethargic Sluggish
Leukemia Disease of the white blood cells.
Luxation Dislocation
Lymphosarcoma Malignant lymph tumor to spread freely; common in cattle.
Malignant Catarrhal Fever Mucous membrane inflammation; common in cattle.
Mastitis Inflammation of the breast.
Neutralize Counteract the effect of.
Palpate Examine by touch.
Parainfluenza Viral infection of the respiratory tract; part of routine dog vaccination.
Parasite Organism living on or in another living organism.
Pathology The structural and functional signs of disease; or study of its essential nature.
Phenylbutazone Toxicity Reaction to the anti-inflammatory analgesic phenylbutazone.
Pneumonic Pasteurellosis Infection of the lungs; found in cattle.
Pneumothroax Air in the pleural cavity.
Polydipsia Excessive thirst.
Polyphagia Excessive appetite.
Polyuria Excessive urination.
Prolapse Slipping of a body part from its usual position.
Puncture (verb) The act of piercing with a pointed object or instrument.
Puncture (Noun) A wound made with a pointed object or instrument.
Pyelonephritis Inflammation of the kidney and pelvis caused by a bacterial infection.
Rabies Acute infectious viral disease of the central nervous system.
Radiograph X-ray; photograph
Radiology The use of radiant energy (X-rays) in diagnosis and treatment.
Reduction Returning of broken bones to correct position.
Rupture Tearing or breaking apart of a tissue.
Sedative Tranquilizing drug.
Serology Tests using blood serum.
Smear Material spread on a slide for microscopic examination.
Specimen Small amount of body fluid used in laboratory tests.
Sterile Free from microorganisms.
Stimulant Drug that produces increased body functions.
Superficial Close to the surface.
Surgery Operative or manual procedure to correct a health condition.
Symptom Indication of the presence of disease.
Tetanus Acute infectious disease usually introduced through a wound.
Toxic Poisonous
Toxoplasmosis A contagious disease of all species caused by Toxoplasma gondi.
Vaccine Artificial immunization agent.
Zoonosis Disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans.
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