AS ICT Info 1


Fichas sobre AS ICT Info 1, creado por TheoSmith el 17/04/2013.
Fichas por TheoSmith, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por TheoSmith hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Give 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Printers Cheap to buy, can print on continuous stationary, low repair cost Noisy, Low quality printout, Poor colour printouts
State the two types of software, with 3 examples for each Systems Software : File compression software, defragmentation, OS Applications Software: Word processing, spreadsheet, antivirus, databases, graphics packages etc.
Name and give advantages/disadvantages for the two types of monitor CRT,
Give 2 Considerations when choosing a screen Type of data to be viewed - high resolution required? Space available - CRTs larger Audience viewing - Large audience needs large display
How does file compression work? .
Name, with 2 examples for each, the three types of storage medium Magnetic storage - hard discs, floppy discs, DAT tape Optical storage - DVD, CD etc. Flash storage - SSDs, USB memory sticks, flash memory cards
Give 4 considerations when choosing a storage medium Volume of data, purpose of storage, price, speed of recovery of data, size of device, Transferability required
What do both system software and applications software do? System controls system hardware and components, Applications carry out functional tasks
List 3 main functions of system software Managing RAM, allocation processor time, controlling where data is stored, communicating with input/output devices, handling errors, file permissions
Give 4 examples of utility programs (system software) antivirus, disk clcean up, disk de-frag, recyle bin
Give some precautions that can be taken to minimise health and safety risks well designed, organised work stations 3 point adjustable chairs with backrests Ergonomic devices Screens that can be adjusted and tilt/swivel Well designed software
Define validation and verification Validation is the process of checking if data is sensible or reasonable Verification is checking by comparing to a previous set of data, e.g passwords
Give 3 things that need to be considered when evaluating a solution Does the solution do what it is supposed to do? Does it work as intended? Is it effective? Does it meet the requirements?
Give 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Printers High quality printouts, Cheap to run, Fast printing, Printouts dry Expensive to buy, large, can't use continuous stationary, expensive to repair
Give 3 Health and Safety responsibilities of EMPLOYERS - Provide Sufficient Training for Employees -Ensure Software used is designed to be less stressful -Provide regular eye tests and pay for glasses - Ensure equipment is positioned where it can be easily accessed - Ensure proper equipment provided, e.g 3 point adjustable chair + backrest
What are 4 software related health and safety issues - Poor Software design - Enough help provided - Easy to use (User interface must not be too complex) - Ensuring colours/text sizes used are suitable (Eye Strain) - All options must be accessible without too many mouse clicks (RSI)
What are the differences between a Client, User and Audience Client = who requests solution User = who will update/manage system Audience = Who the solution is intended to be used by
What are the needs for standards when transferring data - Efficiency: products used often support a range of different standards -
What are three different validation/verification checks Format check - checks data entered is correct format e.g DD/MM/YY Range check Check digit e.g on barcodes Presence Check
Give 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Inkjet Printers Cheap to buy, can print on high quality photo paper Can be expensive to run, printout has to dry
Advantages/Disadvantages of Inkjet Printers Advantages: Can print on high quality photo paper, cheap to buy,
CLEESE Cultural → Legal → Economic → Environmental → Legal → Ethical
A) What are the different data types that can be input into a computer? A) Text, still images, moving images, numbers and sound.
What needs to be considered when choosing an input device? Type of data, volume of data, user preferences, cost considerations, where the device is to be used.
Name some automatic data capture techniques? Bar codes, OCR, OMR
What needs to be considered when choosing a printer? Type of output- text, graphics, photo Size of media Type of media - e.g continuous paper, photo paper Volume of output – considering speed Cost versus efficiency
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