Verbs + infinitive/gerund


Vocabulario Alemán (1st Semester) English Fichas sobre Verbs + infinitive/gerund, creado por Eva_95 el 17/01/2014.
Fichas por Eva_95, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Eva_95 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
admit He admitted having stolen the jumper.
anticipate I did not anticipate having to pay for your ticket. (think of)
appreciate I appreciated her helping me.
avoid I tried to avoid getting in the traffic jam.
Can't help I can't help loving you.
consider I considered buying a new car
defend The lawyer defended her making such statements.
defer (delay) He deferred making a decision.
delay He delayed doing his taxes.
deny He denied committing the crime.
detest We detest playing golf.
discuss We discussed working at the company.
fancy I fancy watching films.
finish I finished doing homework
forgive I forgive you for lying to me.
imagine I imagine you working at a big company
involve The job involves travelling a lot
keep Just keep swimming!
mention She mentioned going to that college
mind I don't mind doing that for you
miss I miss talking to you
pardon Pardon me interrupring
postpone We postponed having lunch together
Prevent We must prevent species from disappearing
quit He quited smoking last year
recall I recall using my laptop yesterday
recollect (remember) She recollected living in Kenya.
resent (be angry or upset) She resented being told what to do.
resist She couldn't resist telling us what she'd heard.
resume After the rain stopped, the teams resumed playing
risk You risk getting caught
save (avoid trouble) He saved having to go to the funeral
suggest Charlie suggested going to the movies
Understand I don't understand your quitting
celebrate He celebrated getting a promotion
dispute +ing
escape He escaped from getting punished
explain Paul explained he was having trouble to leave the company.
find I find learning german very difficult
practice He practices playing chess everyday
afford I can't afford to travel to London
agree He agreed to help us
appear The job appeared to be quite easy
arrange He arranged to meet us at 11
ask I asked her to finish the project for tomorrow
beg I beg you to help me!
care He doesn't care to hurt you
chance it chanced to rain that day / I don't think we should chance driving in this snowstorm
choose I choosed to love you
claim He claimed to be innocent
consent His father didn't consent to let her go to the party
conspire The consuls conspired to get the power.
dare Don't you dare to do that!
decided We decided to move to Paris
demand He demanded us to forgive him
deserve She deserves to win the award
endeavor Claire endeavored to get the job.
expect We didn't expect to pass the exam
fail He failed to be a good friend when I needed it the most.
happen It happened to be a good opportunity for us!
hesitate Don't hesitate to accept the job
hope I hope to travel a lot
intend I intend to do my best
learn I've learnt to be more careful
manage He managed to finish the project on time
mean I didn't mean to hurt you / Taking the job would mean travelling a lot
need I need you to help me with this
omit I omitted to tell him about the meeting
offer I offered to help him with the party
plan He planned to tell her he loved her during the dessert
prepare He was preparing himself to say the speech
prove He proved to be good enough
refuse She refused to go out on a date
remain We remained to be silent
rush He rushed to get on time
seem It seems to be impossible
struggle You must dtruggle to get what you want
swear I swear to do everything I can
tend He tends to do what his friends tell him to do
threaten He threatened to kill himself
wait I'm waiting to catch a train
want I want you to burn my bridges
wish I've always wished to travel around the world
can/can't bear I can't bear watching/to watch you like this
begin It's began to rain/raining
cease He ceased to visit/visiting her grandma everyday.
continue The author continued writing/to write his novel
dislike I dislike to watch/watching football matches on TV
dread She dreads to think/thinking what he could do next
forget I forgot to do my homework / I will never forget going to your wedding
hate I hate cooking/to cook
intend I intend to help you/ helping you
like I like listening /to listen to music
love I love watching /to watch films
neglect He neglected to check/chechking his answers, so he failed
prefer I prefer to eat/eating home
propose He proposed to play/playing a game
regret I regret to announce.../I regret saying that to you, it was very mean of me.
remember Remember to buy cheese / I remember going there when I was a kid
can/can't stand I can't stand playing/to play that game
start I've started studying german this year
stop I can't stop thinking about you / I can't stop to think about you because I've got too much work.
try It's really hot in here, try opening the door / Try to open the door, if you can't, I'll help you.
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