German- Advanced


Leaving Certificate (Sample Content) Group Project Fichas sobre German- Advanced, creado por PatrickNoonan el 12/10/2012.
Fichas por PatrickNoonan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por PatrickNoonan hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
different(ly) anders
in the end, finally schließlich
tragen to carry, wear
earlier, more likely, rather eher
family Familie
morning Morgen
ever, each je
evening Abend
ten zehn
in it, inside darin
approximately rund
assignment, task, job Aufgabe
free frei
university Universität
to manage, to create schaffen
sense, meaning Sinn
early früh
to read lesen
state Staat
goal, destination Ziel
opposite gegenüber
friend Freund
theme, topic, subject Thema
different unterschiedlich
from there, therefore daher
Person Person
bad schlecht
although obwohl
night Nacht
verlieren to lose
thing Ding
clear deutlich
general allgemein
room, space Raum
look, view, glance Blick
only, single einzig
to depict, portray darstellen
place, room, square Platz
number Zahl
common, mutual gemeinsam
near, close nah(e)
clock Uhr
whose dessen
Eltern parents
to recognize erkennen
entwickeln to develop
earlier, in former times früher
street Straße
to talk reden
full voll
to appear, look aus sehen
to appear erscheinen
several mehrere
first, at first, for now zunächst
group Gruppe
value, worth Wert
face Gesicht
somehow irgendwie
language Sprache
to form, educate bilden
through it, as a result dadurch
direct, straight direkt
international international
social sozial
to begin anfangen
until now bisher
to expect erwarten
beginning Anfang
namely nämlich
that, those jen
to live wohnen
red rot
open offen
place, town, location Ort
well … naja
to affect, concern betreffen
most meist-
to wait warten
result, consequence, series Folge
from ab
special besonder
certain gewiss
interest Interesse
sometimes manchmal
billion Milliarde
role Rolle
someone . jemand
to elapse (time), to decay vergehen
public öffentlich
door Tür
pupil, student Schüler
meaning Bedeutung
oh ach
result Ergebnis
to help helfen
war Krieg
six sechs
nobody niemand
to win gewinnen
half halb
to close schließen
way, manner Weise
government Regierung
probable, probably wahrscheinlich
European europäisch
piece Stück
apartment Wohnung
to feel fühlen
conversation Gespräch
to offer bieten
to interest interessieren
essential, fundamental wesentlich
to remind erinnern
away from her
dot, point, period Punkt
similar ähnlich
to result in, yield ergeben
against it, on the other hand dagegen
frequent häufig
teacher Lehrer
to offer anbieten
just as, as much as, as well ebenso
to study studieren
after it, afterwards danach
price, prize Preis
illustration Abbildung
concept, idea, term Begriff
Funktion function
to connect, link verbinden
quite, fairly ziemlich
to look at, watch ansehen
ground, floor, bottom Boden
to lack, to be missing, be absent fehlen
century Jahrhundert
son Sohn
work, factory Werk
to mean bedeuten
art Kunst
frame, framework Rahmen
sudden(ly) plötzlich
eight acht
game Spiel
future Zukunft
practical praktisch
soon bald
difficult schwierig
program, schedule Programm
to climb, increase steigen
immediately sofort
complete völlig
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